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⚠️ Possible Trigger Warnings
Depressing thoughts & things ⚠️

Todoroki's POV

I was watching a movie with everyone. We were all pretty worried about Bakugou and Mina. At least the threat was dealt with.

After the movie ended I got up and went into the kitchen. I'll get some water for Bakugou. He might be thirsty.

"Hey watcha doin?" Kaminari asks me.

"Getting some water for Bakugou. He might be thirsty."

"You two are becoming close. I can tell. Can I come with you? I want to make check up on him." He asks nervously.

"Okay." I say. He smiles and we head to the elevator. When it opens we see Mina.

"Hey, you alright?" Kaminari asks.

"Yeah. Just gonna get some water. Also it was getting boring just laying in bed all day."

"If you want me and Iida can hang with you. I bet that'll be fun." She rolled her eyes.

"Thanks but I'll be okay." She laughed.

"Okay. Just call if you need anything." I cracked a smile at the conversation. Mina got out of the elevator and walked to the kitchen. Uraraka and Tsu meeting her on the way.

We entered the elevator and clicked the button.

"What do you think he's doing? How he's taking this?" I asked Kaminari.

"Best case scenario he's trying to sleeping through it." Was his answer. Before I said anything else the elevator door opened and we stepped out.

As we walked to the door, I felt like something was wrong. I looked at Kaminari who could also tell. It felt like we were walking in slow motion. My heartbeat got faster. I could hear it beating in my ears.

The two of us rushed over to the door and both reached for the doorknob. I grabbed it and opened the door.

Everything froze. The water bottle I had dropped into floor as we saw Bakugou's seemingly lifeless body. I ran over to him, looked at the empty bottle of meds in his hand.

"Call 911." I said. Kaminari didn't say or do anything. He looked horrified.

"NOW!" I yelled. He took a deep, sharp breathe and pulled out his phone. Calling as quickly as he could.

"Stay with us Bakugou. Come on stay with us! Stay with me." I whispered. My voice breaking. Shit. This wouldn't have happened if I had stayed with him. Talked to him. Something. Anything.

When the ambulance showed up and there was panic as to why they were here. When they went inside to get Bakugou and everyone looked around at the scene. They put two and two together.

A few of the students went to the hospital along with Mr. Aizawa. Me included. After a while a doctor came out to talk to Mr. Aizawa. I only heard bits and pieces of their conversation.

"Doctor, how is he?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"The overdose stopped oxygen from getting to his brain. Which can shut down other organs like the kidney and heart," I inhaled.

"Luckily you found him before any of this could happen. He's going to be fine. But he may not wake up for a while." I exhaled.

No. He's strong. He'll wake up soon. He will I know it.

"Were the parents contacted?" The doctor asked Mr. Aizawa. He nodded.

"We tried to call but there was no answer. We found that they're on a business trip out of country. They don't know about Bakugou."

What I was really worried about was Bakugou. What he did. Where we are. It bought back memories for me as well. I stood up.

"Todoroki where are you going?" Midoriya asked me.

"Bathroom." I walked to it. God damnit.

I didn't realize I started to care this much for Bakugou. And he probably doesn't even give me a second thought.

Damnit Bakugou. Don't you know your actions affect everyone else around you. I know from personal experience. When I was in the same spot you were. After I tried the same thing.

Damnit Bakugou. Why am I caring so much about you. Damnit.

I take a deep breath and turn on the sink to cold water. I put my hands under it and splash my face with it. I take a moment to get myself calm and collected again.

When I exited the bathroom, I went back into the hall where everyone else- was. They were gone.

I asked a man who worked there and he told me they went into Bakugou's room. I thanked him and almost ran to the room.

I saw almost everyone crowded around him. Most of them had tears in their eyes. Especially Midoriya. They don't get along, from what I can tell, but they still have that bond. Uraraka is comforting him while crying herself.

Damnit Bakugou. I guess there's only one way to keep him from doing this again. I'll have to be by his side. I know what he's going through. What could go wrong?

Bakugou's POV

Everything is black. I'm drowning. Am I dying? Dead? I hope so. All my pain. The pain I've caused on others will be gone.





I hear distant cries. Echos? Where are they coming from. I start going up.

But wouldn't it be better if I just drowned.


I hear a clear voice.

"We need a parent or guardian. Are you one of the two?"

"I'm his teacher. Doesn't that counts for something." I hear a familiar voice, Mr. Aizawa's.

"Kacchan," Deku? "Please wake up."

No. Those can't be real. All the hurt I put Deku through. I deserve to drown. I deserve this. What I'm drowning in becomes thicker. Instead of peacefully going down. I'm in the middle of a powerful storm in the ocean. I can't breathe. Damnit.

Why am I struggling. Wouldn't it be easier to just die. Why am I fighting?

"Please come back to us, Bakugou."

That's why. There might, maybe. Just maybe be someone. Anyone who cares. I don't want to be like this. I don't. But life is so hard and I don't know how long I can take.

Damnit. I'm fighting. Trying to swim back up. Damnit come on.


"Please come back to us, Bakugou."

I'm trying.

"Kacchan please wake up."

I'm coming, Nerd.


Word Count: 1045

Felt kinda iffy on this chapter (Bakugou's POV portion) but here's your update extremely early. I'd never you guys on a cliffhanger for so long. ❤️

Hope you enjoyed this!

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