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Bakugou's POV (⚠️Suicidal Thoughts⚠️)

I locked myself in my room. I am never want leave it, again. It's been three days and me and Todoroki haven't talked since. I've cut more, cried more. Why was he affecting me so much. It's not like we are close so why.

There's a knock on the door. I know it definitely isn't Todoroki, he's been ignoring me. I don't answer. If the knocker was serious about talking to me they'd talk first or try to open the door and find it locked.

"Bakubro." I hear Kirishima's voice, "It's been a while. You don't really talk to anyone anymore. Can we help?" We?

"Hey, Bakugou." I heard Kaminari say.

"What's up Bakugou!" Mina spoke. I guessed Sero was there too.

"Sup, Bakugou." Yep.

"I'm busy at the moment." I tell them.

"You haven't been busy for three days. Come on there is this carnival that we can go to tomorrow."

"I'll get back to you on it." I said. I heard their footsteps as they walked out. Maybe an outing would be good for me. Especially if it distracts me from all this stupid drama. I open the door slightly and look to see if Todoroki was there. I hope he is with Deku or something. Even so, Todoroki wouldn't talk to me. Does he really think I'm a traitor?

There's no signs of him, or anyone, so I quickly leave my bedroom and go to the bathroom that me and Todoroki share. I closed and locked the door and made my way to the mirror.

I looked at myself. Bad decision. I had terrible bags under my eyes and pretty much looked dead. I wish I was dead. It wouldn't make a difference. I could do it so easily too. Just a knife to the heart, hanging, jumping off a roof. A painful death for a painful existence. No one would care. The one person who I thought actually cared, wouldn't care. He won't even talk to me. I break down into tears, and cry.

I head over to the toilet, as I feel something coming up. I throw up and cough. Result for not eating in weeks, possibly even a month. I should really eat something. But I can't bring myself too. Maybe I'll starve to death. Still painful and I'd be fine with it. Everyone would be. My parents don't care about me, there's barely anything at home. I finish throwing up and flush the vomit down the toilet.

I walk back over to the sink and wash my hands and face. Maybe if I had told Todoroki I saw someone, I wouldn't be in this situation. But they didn't really look like a traitor. They weren't doing anything were they?

I left the bathroom and saw Todoroki coming inside the dorm. Crap I can't let him see me like this. I turn back and go into the bathroom.

I lock myself inside. I'll just wait until he leaves.

Todoroki's POV

"Hey, Todoroki." Mina came up to me. Which is weird because she never talks to me.

"Hi." I said with a blank expression on my face.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" She asked me.


Mina laughed, "So you're not busy tomorrow."

I nod. She gives me a thumbs up and asks me,

"Want to go to a carnival with me and some friends."

"Sure I'll go." I have nothing else to do. As long as Bakugou isn't there I will be fine.

Right Bakugou. I don't know if he is the traitor. I don't know what to think. But anyone could be the traitor. I shouldn't have been so mean to Bakugou. He has barely left his room, hasn't eaten in who knows how long, and probably isn't sleeping. I should probably talk to him, apologize.

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