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Todoroki POV

It's been a week. We had to go back to class, but occasionally we'd visit Bakugou. Later after school me and Midoriya are going to go visit him again. Everyone in class was distracted and couldn't focus. We had all grown accustomed to Bakugou's rowdiness we just expect it everyday. We miss it.

The named Bakusquad and Midoriya were taking it especially hard. For not noticing anything, not being there. They weren't their usual chaotic selves. The entire class changed.

That's how it is though with this class. We've gotten used to Bakugou's rowdiness, Iida yelling rules, Midoriya's mumbling. It's so different without them.

At the end of class Midoriya and I quickly head to the dorms and change into regular clothes, and leave for the hospital.

When we arrived the man at the front signed us in. Already knowing where we want to go because we've been there almost everyday on his shifts.

Arriving at Bakugou's door we hear the tv is on. It could be someone else visiting but no one else came with them, and his parents still didn't know last time I checked.

Midoriya opened the door and when we entered we saw Bakugou watching tv.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya ran over to him, "How are you feeling?"

Bakugou looked away and quietly whispered, "I'm fine, Deku."

Midoriya wasn't used to Bakugou being calm and not angry. He started tearing up.

"Kacchan," His voice squeaky from holding back tears, "Why did you do that?" Bakugou looked up at him, sadness and emptiness in his eyes. He opened his mouth, thinking of something to say, which was a first.

All that came out of his mouth was, "I'm sorry Deku. For everything." He looked down at the sheets he was covered in, clenching them tightly, probably trying not to cry. Midoriya cried and he had to leave the room for a little. It was just me and Bakugou. We sat in silence. There wasn't much to say.

After a few minutes Bakugou spoke.

"I'm sorry, Todoroki. I just couldn't handle it anymore." He stayed looking down.

"I get it," I tell him before he can say anything else, "You dont have to explain."

"Does everyone know?" He looked at me. That was a pretty stupid question, but I sadly nodded the answer.

"But since everyone knows. We're all going to try and help."

"I don't want your stupid help. You only want to help me because you think I'm weak." He slipped out. When he realized what he'd said he covered his head in between his knees.

He really thinks that he's weak. And he thinks that we think he's weak. I sigh.

"Bakugou. No one thinks you're weak except for you. We all just want to help you realize that."

Before Bakugou could say anything, probably protest what I said, Midoriya came in, eyes still red and puffy from crying. He sniffed.

"Aizawa was notified that you're awake and he's coming now." He told us.

I nodded. We spent the rest of the time talking to Bakugou and him giving us vague responses or no responses at all. When Aizawa arrived we took our leave.

Bakugou's POV

"Hey, kid." Aizawa said to me when Todoroki and Midoriya left. I didn't say anything in return.

"Okay. I get you don't want to talk to anyone. But me and the rest of the staff at UA want to help you with this, okay." I still said nothing. He sighed.

"Can you at least answer one question I have for you?" I took a second before nodding my head yes, I haven't looked at him since he came in. I've been looking down at the sheets of the hospital bed.

"How long?" I knew what he was talking about. How long have I been feeling like this. It wasn't their fault they didn't notice. I didn't want them to notice. But they were still saddened from what Todoroki and Deku told me. How everyone is sad and not themselves. I'm really not that important.

"Kamino." Is all I said. He sighed again.

"I'm sorry kid. We should've asked if you were okay or something. Was it something the League said to you?"

I thought back to what happened when they first took me. They asked me to join them because no one liked my personality or anything. That I should feel bad because of all the shit I put Deku through. And they were right. Why would I tell him to kill himself. And he still seems to look up to me. I'm never gonna be the hero he wants me to be. I should be the one to die.

Before I knew it tears were rolling down my face. I tried to cover my face from Aizawa.

"Hey, kid it's okay. You're fine." He said in the calmest voice. I still cried but it felt nice knowing that Aizawa was there to help.

"Can I be left alone?" I asked him. He nodded and left the room.

Word Count: 839


Due to some personal reasons I've been going into a negative mindset and I'm not really that caring of my mental health. I'm also not taking care of my physical health. So I'm gonna take a tiny hiatus.

I swear I will continue the story. I know me, so I know that it'll probably last like a week because I will be writing and preparing new chapters so yeah.

But don't worry guys. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon