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Bakugou's POV

After a week of keeping me at the hospital, and bringing me a psychiatrist who questioned me and determining whether or not I should be sent to a mental hospital, I finally got to go back to the dorms.

Aizawa picked me up. The doctor handed him the antidepressants the psychiatrist assigned me. We walked to Aizawa's car and I hopped into the back seat, even though he asked if I wanted to be in the front.

The car ride was silent for the first half. Then Aizawa has to ruin the peace and quiet by talking. About my mental health.

"I talked to the doctors," he started, "and the psychiatrist. We all decided on something you may not like."

If he's saying that I'm definitely not going to like it. My mind started wandering to dangerous places. Dangerous thoughts. Before I let it go too far I spoke.

"Well? Spit it out!" No real fire in my voice.

"We think it would benefit you," he sighed, "to get sent to a therapist."

"WHAT?" The statement took me off guard. A therapist? I don't need a therapist. I don't want one. I'm fine.

"Calm down, Bakugou." He says with no emotion in his voice. How can I calm down. You're sending me to a shrink!

"Bakugou don't freak out. Everything is going to be fine. You just need to calm down."

Calm down. Right. Calm. I didn't notice I was hyperventilating and shaking before. I took deep breathes and calmed down. That was probably one of my calmest panic attacks that didn't escalate.

"Bakugou it'll be alright. The therapist is there to help you. And so are we, everyone at UA." You're just trying to make me feel better. Stop.

"How is everyone?" I subtly change the subject.

"Worried, sad. It's not the same without you." Without the old me, you mean.

I can feel it. My mask is broken. There were already cracks forming before. But what I did, like throwing a rock at it. The mask is broken. But I'm still trying to put it together. To wear it again. I don't want them to see the real me. I can't be unmasked more than I already am.

When we get back to the dorms, Aizawa pulls out his phone to do something, and lets me walk in first. When I do I immediately notice the hand made banner hanging from Sero's tape that reads

"Welcome Back Bakugou!"

I don't even understand. It's not like I was overseas. They shouldn't care about me. But everyone is here, welcoming me back from the hospital.

"Kacchan, are you okay?" Deku asks, worried. I didn't even notice I was crying. Damnit. I quickly wipe the tears and cross my arms, turning away.

"I'm fine, Deku." He was already crying a little before I said that, but when I did he started balling his eyes out. I didn't get it, but I didn't say anything either.

Midoriya's POV

We were all sitting down, quietly watching tv or doing something with our phones. Mr. Aizawa then walked in and told us he had news.

"Bakugou is coming back. The hospital gave him the all clear," Everyones faces lit up, "Do with that information what you will." And he left to pick him up.

"I say we welcome him back with something big and manly!" Kirishima spoke.

"Maybe a Welcome Party!" Yaoyorozu suggested.

"With snacks and drinks and everything! Sato can make cookies!" Kaminari added.

"Bakugou probably wouldn't want something that big." Todoroki said.

Unmasked (Depressed Bakugou x Todoroki)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu