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The song above literally goes with this book perfectly! Go ahead and take a listen while you read the prologue, it really adds to the experience! 





"Run! Get to safety!"

Our head warrior yelled, a frantic gleam in his eyes before he swiftly shifted into his large, black wolf, crashing with the force of a boulder against an equally large rogue. His voice was loud and demanding, which, among all of the other commotion, caused me to flinch up against the wall I was huddled against, my knees up to my chest. 

I can't take this, I thought to myself as my eyes flickered to the many feet running past me and towards the safe room. I knew that I should have been running towards safety with them, but I couldn't move my body. Hell, I could barely breathe. I simply rocked back and forth slowly among the commotion and screams that flew around me at all angles, trying to comfort myself as he would have.

I knew that he was out there fighting and it scared me to my very core. All of the bloodshed and gore that was going on around me was a nightmare, but this time there was no waking up. This was undeniably and insurmountably real.

I could feel every scratch, bite, and gash that my mate received through our link despite the fact that he was offsetting the pain as much as he could so I wouldn't have to suffer as much. I thought that I was past the age of curling up in paralyzing fear, as becoming the Luna of our pack had forced me out of my shy shell, but at that moment I couldn't have felt more like a child. I just wanted my mate safe. I wanted him here. 

I wanted my Max...

"Berlin! You have to get up now!" I was snapped out of my cocoon of fear as my shoulder was shaken violently. Snapping my head up, I was met with the bright yellow eyes of Axel, one of the Protectors of our pack. I nodded silently, clenching my jaw and pushing against the wall in an attempt to force my legs to cooperate and bring me to my feet. However, my effort was for naught as a moment later they buckled, giving out beneath me. I doubled over with a sharp pain in my groin, my breath catching in my throat as I fell toward the ground once again. Upon recognizing my dire situation, I immediately felt Axel lift my body into his arms.

I tried to scream, to tell Axel that my mate needed me, but as hard as I tried to force my vocal cords to work, no sound slipped past my lips. My head lolled back, limbs going limp in his arms as a suffocating feeling of defeat took over my soul. My body had betrayed me, not allowing me to go to the one person that mattered to me more than anything.

That's when I saw him.

Through hooded, blank eyes, I spotted my Max among the chaos, being tackled to the ground by four large and feral rogues at once. A choked sputter bubbled its way out of my throat, my body suddenly jumping back into action as a blindingly hot shock of pain shot through my neck. Rage seeped into the forefront of my brain, effectively overtaking my fear as instincts flooded my consciousness. 

I had to protect him at all costs. 

Even if it meant my life.

I thrashed out of Axel's arms, hitting the ground hard before breaking into a sprint. I ran the opposite way through the ever-thickening crowd of terrified pack members and it seemed like forever before I finally reached the edge of the battlefield, spotting Max again amongst all the mayhem occurring around me. He was lying on the ground in human form, blood pouring furiously from a deep wound in his neck and also from the side of his mouth as he hiccuped, fruitlessly trying to force air into his lungs. I could visibly see his superficial skin attempting to fuse back together with his superior Alpha healing capability, but he was bleeding out far much too fast for the deeper, more critical damage to fix itself in time to save him.

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