Chapter 18

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|Unknown Amount of Time Later|

"P-please... D-don't..." I begged for what had to be the hundredth time after crying out in pain from the lash of a whip. I don't know how long I'd been in this place, but it was long enough for my body to become emaciated from lack of food and water.

I became well acquainted with the dusty floor, even managing to draw some small pictures of my family and Osias in places that were more heavily caked with dirt. At least it allowed me to smile sometimes. I've been trying not to give up hope and believe that Osias is coming for me, but I've been trying to contact him for as long as I can remember and have only been met with static. Even my connection with my Daddy and Papa was nonexistent, and that scared me to my very core. Every passing second left me more doubtful that I'd ever be freed from this hellhole.

The stench of the room was almost unbearable, but since I've been trapped here my nose has been forced to deal with it. I haven't made it any better though, because almost like clockwork, I threw up a watery mess of stomach acids and whatever pitiful meal I was granted with every once and a while. It really made the people that kidnapped me angry, and each time I regurgitated anything back up I was whipped for my offense and left by myself to cry in the dark.

My tummy ache from the day I was kidnapped hadn't lessened in the least, if anything it only got worse. At first I assumed it was because of something I ate, but when it didn't go away I really got scared.

Was I dying?

Callie sneered down at me as she wrapped back up the now bloody whip, and I didn't dare move. The lacerations on my back were throbbing in pain, and I wanted nothing more than to shift, curl into a little ball, and whimper for my Papa and Osias. The only other time I'd felt so helpless before was when I'd held Max's dying body in my arms in the middle of the battlefield. 

"I wonder what's wrong with you, Master really doesn't like when you vomit all the time. You know, he's always been really worried about you." Callie cooed in a motherly tone, but I knew better. The malicious hiss was hidden just underneath the sweet facade, and I wouldn't let her fool me anymore. "He's really a good guy once you get to know him, I would know."

"M-my t-t-tummy..." despite the fact that I wanted to claw her face off, the pain that seared through my entire body was something that I couldn't ignore any longer. "H-help..."

Callie clucked her tongue like a disappointed parent, staring at my small, naked, and vulnerable body as I laid on the floor, immobile. "I guess I can maybe do a blood test or something. Even though I couldn't care less about that 'medical training' bullshit, I picked up some skills." she boasted, flipping her red hair behind her shoulder. I winced at the pain that shot down my spine, my eyes watering when my body began shivering.

"Oh, stop the dramatics!" she scoffed, "I'm only doing this because Master usually only likes to use his toys when they aren't projectile vomiting every fucking second." Callie rolled her eyes, stomping to the only table in the room, donning the little pouch she carried everywhere before reaching inside and pulling out an empty syringe. My eyes almost bugged out of my head at the length of the needle, but I could only let out a distressed mewl from the pathetic state I was in on the floor.

"Shut up. It'll only hurt a bit... Probably." She crouched behind me, and I screamed out in pain at she carelessly slid the needle into one of the open wounds on my back. I may not be a medical expert, but I do know that it is not necessary to insert a needle into an open wound to draw blood. Her evil cackle behind me informed me that she knew that fact good and well, but seeing as to how she was obviously just as sadistic as that demon, she probably did it on purpose.

I sobbed hard on the floor as she giggled and grabbed her little pouch, attaching it to her belt before walking towards the door. "I'll be back!" she informed before slamming the metal door shut and sliding the heavy lock into place.

I could've been laying there for five minutes or five hours, but with the amount of light streaming through the dark room, it was hard to tell. I tried to lift my head when the sound of a sliding lock caught my attention, but my body wouldn't move so I settled with just dragging my eyelids open. My lack of energy wasn't very surprising because I haven't been fed in what felt like a couple of days.

"And the princess awakens!" Max bellowed, clapping this hands with Callie following behind, a piece of paper dangling from her fingertips. "I do hope that you are enjoying your stay in our five star hotel, I made sure that you got the premium package!" He turned in a circle, arms open wide as he looked around the bleak warehouse with wild grin before crouched down beside me, eyes holding a devilish gleam. He turned to roughly snatch the piece of paper from Callie, who looked as stunned as a deer in the headlights of a car but quickly fixed her expression a moment later.

Max slowly raked his eyes over the page, reaching to pat my shoulder as his grin grew wider. I wanted to recoil in disgust from his touch, but I still couldn't move due to the deep wounds on my back.

"Although you are adorable, I don't like that you keep secrets." he deadpanned, his grin falling in a millisecond to reveal the frown underneath. He had to have some sort of extreme bipolarity, because I've never seen a range of emotions that large in such a short period of time in any being.

"W-what?... I d-didnt l-lie." I breathed out, my vocal chords spent from all of my screaming. Max's frown transformed back into a sweet smile as he trailed a finger up my neck to dance around Osias mating mark in a gesture that was probably supposed to seduce me. Instead I wanted to throw up, not from the pain in my tummy but from the mere feeling of him touching such an intimate spot. It exclusively belonged to Osias, and of all people in the world, this demon who stole Max's identity is the last person I'd want to touch me in general, let alone somewhere that means so much for to me. So, concentrating as much strength as I could, I snarled at him, chomping at his finger to get him to move it away from the sensitive spot.

"Tut, tut. Watch it, Berlin. Next time you act up like that, I will slap you." he warned, although the sweet smile never left his lips throughout the threat. "You are mine now. And that baby inside of you, it's mine too."

I froze.


No way...

That would explain the vomiting... Werewolf pregnancies evolve much faster than that of a human.

"B-baby?..." I asked, tears once again welling up in my eyes as my hands slid to rest on my tummy. My eyes widened as I felt that it was protruding a tiny bit more than usual, as it is usually completely flat. My heart pounded in my chest as I choked on my own sob, the knowledge that I was growing a life inside of me spurring a little fire in my heart where there were only ashes.

I'd have to get through this, no matter what. It wasn't only me anymore that I was fighting for, I'd have my little ray of sunshine to protect, the perfect being that Osias and I created.

The demon's possessed eyes flashed with an emotion that made me want to flee immediately, bringing me down from the high that was the news of Osias and I's child.

"You're pregnant!" he grinned, standing up to jump up and down like a child in a candy store. "That means that I can kill you even earlier than I thought! Score!" 

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