Chapter 13

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Berlin was so excited I thought that he might pass out with the way he was running around. All throughout breakfast he was bouncing in his seat, and on the way back, once he spotted the french doors leading to the Alpha Wing of the vacation home, it seemed as if the dull pain in his hips vanished as he took off in a full-on sprint, giggling the entire way. He looked exactly like a child let loose in a candy store.

It was refreshing to see Berlin so happy, as he'd practically been a living ghost swamped in oversized clothing when I first met him. He'd looked as if he had nothing more to live for, like all of the color and happiness had been zapped right out out of the world. Even though it has only been a short time, the smiles have slowly been returning to his features with each day that passes. Each word he says a little more strong, each step a little more meaningful.

I took my sweet time walking behind him, a smirk pulling at the corner of my lips as I savored the sight of his perky backside. Beside the fact that he had a killer ass, Berlin was by far the most beautiful person I've ever met. Of course, I may be a tad bit biased, but I could tell that even my pack members were smitten with their soon-to-be Luna.

I couldn't exactly blame them. He's fucking adorable.

"Fuck yeah he is." grumbled York as he - for the umpteenth time - pushed past the barrier in my mind. I swear, sometimes I wish that this fucking wolf could be exorcized from my head. 

"You should let me out today, let me get my freak on since you already did." I could practically see his stupid wolfish grin as he finished his statement.

"No. You're not allowed to molest Berlin's wolf, asshole." I snarled back, walking through one of the french doors that Berlin left open in his race to get to our room and change into his swimwear. York's obnoxious grunt caused me to roll my eyes, immediately trying to shut his incredibly annoying voice out of my head again. Per-usual, he ignored my efforts and continued to spout nonsense.

"I'll give him more pleasure than you ever could, idiot." he challenged, the cocky smirk evident in his voice.

"Fuck off." I retorted, firmly shutting him out this time. 

As I approached my bedroom, I focused on the important task of getting my little mate to the beach as soon as possible.

Lifting my eyes to take in the scene of my bedroom, my throat constricted with surprise at the sight of Berlin's pink swimming brief-covered bottom poking out from underneath the bed. It wiggled in the air as he let out a squeak, pulling back to sit on his ankles and presenting a slightly dusty, light blue tote bag in his small hands.

"Got it!" Berlin smiled sweetly, turning his upper body to look up up at me while brushing his hair back, which undoubtedly became ruffled from his scavenge underneath the bed. 

"Look what I found! We can put all our stuff in it to take it to the beach!" he squealed, although the sound came out clipped as he jumped to fill up the little tote bag with sun screen, his sunglasses, and a large, rolled up beach towel. I chuckled to myself at his animated effort to get ready as fast as possible.

"Hold on, kitten. I have to get ready as well." I pointed out, until an even more appealing thought slipped into my mind, likely from York's much more perverted side. "That is, unless you'd like to dress me?" I added, sending a wink in his direction. The bright red color that filled his pale cheeks was a lovely sight, although he lifted the tote bag to cover it bashfully a moment later.

"I-I..." he stuttered with a slight shake in his tone, although his high-pitched voice was muffled by the fabric of the bag. His inherently innocent nature was endearing, although we both knew the truth. 

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