Chapter 25

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The pain.

The pain was unbearable.

But only a moment later was there was a bright white light that cocooned my body in an almost motherly embrace, sliding along my limbs with a soothing touch. I felt myself being lifted up, a thread snapping in my chest as I was lifted out of the mortal realm.


I felt flowers.

And there were voices.


Was it... Fresh cinnamon rolls I smelled?


No, this scent was much sweeter.

I turned my head towards the sweet scent, selfishly wanting the addicting aroma all to myself. A whine escaped my lips as my arms reached out in search of it, my eyelids slowly prying themselves apart.


My eyes snapped open at the familiar, deep voice and I nearly jumped ten feet into the air.

There he was, in all of his handsome glory.

Osias wore nothing but white sweatpants that clung to his muscular calves like a second skin as he lounged next to me in the gently swaying flowers. York was already entangled up with Casey in a loving cuddle, and I giggled when I heard Casey whine in happiness, snuggling up to his large mate and pawing gently at his underbelly as York licked him back affectionately. The sound of Osias's deep, soul-vibrating laughter shook me from my fixation, and I instead focused all of myself on his beautiful eyes as they trained on me. He looked so vibrant.

So alive.

Tears of happiness sprang from my eyes as I tackled him backwards into the fragrant flowers, my arms around his neck tightly. He let out a grunt when his back hit the ground before laughing whole-heartedly once more.

"Well, that was quite a welcome" he teased, smiling up at me as he brushed a soft tendril of my hair behind my ear. His touch was electrifying, and I whimpered at the feeling of his hard body pressed against me.

It was so deliciously distracting that I almost forgot about how we got there.

" Osi..." I breathed out, cuddling myself into his chest much like Casey did to York, attempting to mold myself to him so that I didn't have to ever let go.

"Hm?" he replied, his chest vibrating as if there wasn't a care in the world.

Maybe there wasn't. Not in this world, at least.

"Where are we?" I whispered out, although my heart already knew the answer. We were with the Goddess, where we belonged.

"Home." he replied, wrapping his strong arms around my body tightly as if I was the most precious thing to him. 

It filled my heart with joy as I tangled my legs with his, my cheek gently resting on his broad expanse of a chest. His answer felt so right, and I simply closed my eyes and rested, his arms around me providing the perfect comfort. It felt so good to finally be in his arms again. 

I felt the presence of our child in the air around us. Although it was only spiritual energy, I knew they were happy. We really were a family up here.

We could've laid there for hours, but there was no time in the Goddess' realm. I just knew I was with him.

My other half.

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