Chapter 2

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Damn, I'm sore as hell, I thought to myself, rubbing my tight shoulder muscles with a grimace. The stress of absorbing this pack into my own was taking a toll on both my mental and physical well being. I can't think of another Alpha that has ever dealt with this much shit after only six months of having this title, but my Father decided that it was a perfect time to pass the torch to me, despite not having found my mate yet.


I glanced out of the large window at the side of my desk, my light blue eyes lazily trailing from the orange-purple of the evening sunset to the long line of cars waiting to enter the gate of the pack house. I let out a deep growl of frustration at the idea that all of these new members who I barely knew would be joining my pack, but I was sure they felt the same. I don't know what my dad was thinking when he planned these attacks on the Moon Star Pack, and then immediately passed down his Alpha title, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. 

"Sam, call a construction company. We are going to need to expand the pack house more than I initially thought." I grumbled out, the baritone in my voice causing my assistant to jump in her seat across the room and look over at me with wide eyes.

"I thought that we decided they would just take all of the extra rooms to spare the expense?..." she replied, her tone laced with confusion. I simply rolled my eyes and snapped my head towards her, my eyes flashing a bright gold with irritation.

"I changed my damn mind. You are my assistant, not my advisor. Do as I say, and don't bitch about it." I growled out with my Alpha voice, clenching my jaw and standing up to my full height of 6'5'. She didn't deserve to get snapped at, but when I'm under stress I tend to lash out at whoever is around me. 

You could say I have a slight anger issue.

In the midst of my anger I left my office, slamming the large mahogany door behind me before walking down a small hallway to my room in the Alpha's wing of my pack house. Upon arrival I lifted my hand, carelessly flipping the light switch on the wall and almost sighed in euphoria at the familiar sight of grey walls and my king sized bed before me, but even the warmth of my oversized bedroom was not enough to calm me down. I walked over to my closet with an annoyed groan, hastily pulling my shirt over my head before glancing at the clock on my wall.

Fuck. Ten minutes. 

I glanced around my walk-in closet for anything that I could wear to this ceremony. After a few minutes of rummaging around, I settled on a simple outfit of a fitted, black top, black jeans and black buckled boots. It wasn't anywhere near fancy, but it would have to do for the time being. Turning towards the full-length mirror on one side of my closet, I attempted to wrangle my hair into some kind of style before giving up on it with a frustrated groan and walking back out to the hallway and exiting the Alpha wing completely.

"Hey mister big boy Alpha, we need to get down to the ballroom or we'll be late. I've been waiting for you for fucking hours." Said a sarcastic voice next to me before I could even take one step into the hallway. Upon turning my head, my lips pull up into a crooked smirk as my eyes land on my Beta and best friend, Ortiz. I looked down at his slightly shorter form, his lips quirking up in a crooked grin. He was a sight to see, with his bright green eyes and shock of black hair atop his freckled face.

"Shut up, fucker." I chuckled deeply, a small amount of my stress dissolving from me at the sight of him, feeling my body slightly loosen up. "I'm going down now. I'm honestly just not in the mood for interacting with these new members just yet." I finish, rubbing my temples and falling into step beside him as we headed towards the grand ballroom. He let out a short laugh before shaking his head at my comment.

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