Chapter 14

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"Goddess, hes so hot!" Brook's head fell back against the couch from her spot on the floor, groaning like she was in the middle of some kind of weird orgasm. 

"Do you see the abs on that man? I swear, give me one second alone with that guy and I would lick the skin right off of him." Brook stared at the screen in front of us, shaking her head as if she couldn't believe her eyes. She stuck out her tongue, eyes never leaving the screen as she rooted around with it to find the cheese stick she held tightly in her hand before chomping off a large bite. Her tight curls were out of the way in high bun on top of her head, although a few strands escaped and gently rested against her dark brown cheek. 

We were currently in the bonus room of the vacation house which held a comfortable media room. It was the last day of the retreat, and we'd decided to spend it with a movie night, seeing as to how all of our mates happened to be on overlapping patrol duties. 

Tomorrow, we would be going back to the pack house, and I would be lying if I didn't say I wasn't feeling a bit bummed about it. So much had changed in my life over the course of this retreat, and I was afraid that when returned back home, it would all vanish in thin air like Cinderella's carriage at midnight. 

"Are you serious?" Hannah blanched, her green eyes wide with betrayal as she looked over at Brook. The incredulous look on her face was comical, like she'd just been told someone'd killed her cat. "Have you seen Edward? He could get it any day!" 

Brook choked on her cheese stick, pulling it away from her mouth and finally tearing her eyes away from the screen as she turned towards Hannah. "Hell no! Team Jacob forever!" She pumped her fist in the air, her brown eyes fiery as if she was protesting a worthy cause. 

"She only likes Edward because he's rich anyway! Who wants a man who is cold, wants to kill you, and stares at you all night? I don't know about you but that's not my kink!" She crossed her arms, shrugging before mumbling "My kink is being spanked" at the end. I giggled from my place under the blanket at that, thinking the joke she mumbled to herself was funny, but a bit confusing. Like, who wants to get spanked? I feel like that would just hurt and not be really pleasureful. 

"Well- Well-" Hannah sputtered, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to think of some way to invalidate Brook's statement. "Callie!" She yelled excitedly, as if she'd suddenly remembered she was still in the room. She quickly turned around to look expectantly at our our third friend who lounged quietly against the arm of the couch, raising a brow as she stared at the other two girls on the floor who were notorious for dramatic, pointless arguments like this. "What team are you on?"

Callie was quiet for a moment, pondering the question. She was the more chill one of our little group, going with the flow for the most part and blending into the background. Regardless, we still loved her dearly, as she gave a sense of balance when the four of us were all together. 

"Neither." Callie responded simply, shrugging her shoulders in indifference. "They both don't really do much for me." the look of disbelief on Hannah and Brook's face would lead people to believe they'd just been told the world was ending, not that they were simply discussing a terribly produced young adult movie. 

I, on the other hand, wasn't surprised by Callie's response, as nobody was really sure if she felt attraction to anyone in a romantic way. She was older than all of us by a few years, and still hadn't found her mate. At this point, we were pretty sure that she was a lone wolf, or someone whose mate passed away before they'd met, but we tried to hold out hope. Regardless, she'd made something of herself throughout the time she'd been waiting, and was currently training part-time with Benji to become a medic. 

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