Chapter 11

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My skin tingled from my head to my toes, my hairs standing upon end as I woke to strong arms around my waist, holding me possessively against a warm, broad chest. By the steady rise and fall of Osias's chest against my back, I could tell that he was still sleeping deeply, so I opted to do the same. 

Right as I settled down once more, melting into Osias's tight embrace and succumbing to the heavy weight of my eyelids, memories of last night hit me like a freight train. Although I was still reeling from my encounter with Max, Osias making love to me last night wiped the slate clean as I finally accepted the truth.

Max couldn't come back. He was gone. 

I grieved him, and my heart burned at the thought how he must have felt as the demon stole his soul. But if I knew one thing about him, it's that he would want me to move on. He would want me to be happy with this second chance that was given to me from the Goddess. 

It's been over six months since his passing. I would never forget the love we shared, but I knew that it was time for me to move on.

I wiggled in Osias's embrace, snuggling in even closer to the large man. Casey whimpered happily in our mind as even more sparks zapped across my skin from the contact.  I crossed my ankles, feeling my face heat up at the vivid images of last night's actions that flashed across my mind, just the mere thought causing me to whine as I felt slick leak from my hole and drip down my leg. 

And when he slipped inside of me...

Oh God.

I slapped my hands over my mouth to hold back a squeal, recalling how incredibly full I felt last night, even before Osias was knotted deep inside of me.

"Mmm... Ber? Are you alright?" came Osias's deep, husky and incredibly sexy morning voice from behind me as he stirred, one arm lifting to run through his unruly locks as he slowly began to wake up. I shifted once again against him, burying my face into his arm that laid underneath me in order to hide the blush that was becoming worse by the second. However, my action only served to make matters worse, as a moment later I felt something - a rather large something - lower down wake up as well, pressing gently against my sore bum. This time I let out an audible squeak, causing Osias's sinfully muscular body to shake with soft chuckles behind me.

"My bad, sweetheart. Morning wood." he stated nonchalantly, shifting his body away from me in order to stretch his arms above his head. I whined at the loss of contact, a dull burn flowing through my system before I turned to face him and scooted closer once again, laying my head down onto his chest and closing my eyes with a soft sound of contentment. I sighed as the blazing fire in the pit of my stomach died down to a spicy, semi-pleasurable simmer. The touch of his skin was both a soothing medicine as well as a temptation, although I attempted to ignore the latter with my throbbing bum a reminder of what could happen if I tempted the beast again.

"We should get up. There's a couple of things to get done today." he began, stroking my cheeks gently and glancing at the slowly ticking clock on the far wall. "Is your heat dying down yet?"

I nodded in response, burying my face in his broad chest as if I were attempting to use him as a shield to block out the rest of the world. It was concerning, how much comfort I found in those big arms of his now that we were fully mated. 

Fully mated...

The thought sent a nervous tremor through my body, my cupid's bow trembling with both desire and apprehension, a pair that never mixed together well.

"A little..." I breathed out, my hand trailing up towards the mark that I knew stood out against my pale skin above my shoulder even though I was not currently able to see it.

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