Chapter 28.5 - HOLIDAY SPECIAL

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This holiday special takes place in the time just after the end of Torn.



I snuggled into Ray's broad chest comfortably as the fire crackled in the hearth in front of us. I cradled hot cocoa piled with marshmallows in my hands as I watched the steadily falling snow accumulate outside. We were quiet, simply enjoying each other's presence and watching the christmas lights twinkle on the twenty foot tall tree. The pack house was practically empty save for a few unmated Omegas that chose to stay home and get chores done, as the entire pack had planned a two day ski outing up north. It was quite the sight watching everyone leave together; with Berlin being fretted over by his mate with every step he took, and Ortiz trying to unsuccessfully escape Corey's clutches.

"How are you feeling, bunny?" Ray's chest vibrated against my back as he spoke in his deep tone, tightening his tree-trunk-like arms around my thin waist as if I would disappear into thin air if he didn't hold me tight enough. I tucked my face into his neck after taking another sip of hot cocoa, pressing chocolate-scented kisses to the sexy stubble that sat on his chin.

"I feel alright right now, but you know that can change very quickly." I mumbled, sighing softly as I set my cocoa to the side to grab my black neck pillow for added comfort, snuggling it close to my chest and inhaling the scent of Ray that it so generously gave off. Part of the reason I always kept it close was because of that reason alone; it smelled just like my mate and that calmed me when he couldn't always be around.

"Just tell me if you need anything, beautiful. I will get it for you, I don't want you moving around too much." Ray added, mumbling against my temple before kissing it softly and shifting me to sit sideways in his lap. I laughed softly at his statement, peeking open an eye to look up at his handsome face which shone with adoration as he looked back down at me. I knew my eyes held the same expression.

"Ray, I'm not dying. I'm just pregnant because someone decided to keep me up so late that I forgot to take my birth control." I sassed playfully, feeling Ray's hand slip underneath my knitted sweater and splay out across my very slight baby bump to caress the soft skin. I rested my hand on top of his, laid my head on his shoulder and smiled at his affectionate action. Although I never considered having another child after the triplets, after recently discovering I was pregnant I realized that exactly what I needed was someone to look after. Ray was absolutely ecstatic at the news, but became ridiculously overprotective since then.

Never underestimate an Alpha's protectiveness over their mate when they are round with his pups. In the last week of my pregnancy with Berlin, Corey and Tyrus, I had to hold Ray back from killing anyone who even knocked on the door of our room while I was nesting. I was terrified that his famous temper would return, but every time I looked him in the eyes and kissed his lips, he would simmer down and wrap his arms around me so tightly I thought I would shatter.

So, you could only guess his reaction to the announcement of the ski trip. He kept spouting nonsense about the possibility of the bus combusting into flames, or me somehow tripping and falling hard enough to cause a miscarriage again. Ever since the first one before the triplets, when our beautiful Omega son was born months too early, Ray was a nervous wreck when it came to letting me out of the house when I was pregnant.

People were beginning to suspect that something was going on due to his overprotectiveness, but the focus of the pack was on Berlin and his quickly approaching labor date, so I knew we could get away with a few more weeks without anyone noticing.

"Hm." Ray grunted and pulled me tighter against him, stubbornly tightening his arms around my body again. I sighed aloud, shifting my body in his lap so that I straddled his thick thighs before cupping his face in my hands to brush our lips together.

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