Chapter 27

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Gif above is Danny!



The wind whipped across my cheeks through the open windows of the sedan as we sped down the freeway, the many cares that plagued me seeming to lift right off of my shoulders and fly away, out of the window and into beautiful the countryside. My head laid on door of the car as we drove, my fingers tentatively wiggling out into the refreshing air, as if to ask for a taste. A smile pulled at my lips as they danced playfully, being blown back slightly when we picked up speed.

It was a truly gorgeous day, and our road trip around the country was one I'd looked forward to for ages. I loved times like this. They made me feel so free.


I jumped in my seat with a squeak as I turned to face my boyfriend of three years, unconsciously sinking in my seat at his harsh tone. My eyes flickered along his handsome face before drifting down to my baby blue shoes, wincing in advance for what I knew was to come. My fingers that once drifted freely out in the warm, country breeze found themselves wrapped tightly around the edges of my seat, clenching tightly as if it was my only lifeline while the muscles in my neck seized up in painful knots.

I'd messed up, and I knew what was coming next. After three years of being with him, I'd gotten used to his incessant yelling and harsh tones towards me. But what could I do? After all, he'd saved me when I was at the lowest time of my life.

My fingers twitched as I remembered how broken I was before I met him, cold and shivering on a park bench after my parents kicked me out for being "the faggot they refused to tolerate." When I expressed my intense desire to mated to the same gender that I'd hidden since I was but a pup, they chased me from the territory with nothing more than the clothes on my back. 

I came from a conservative pack in deep Texas, one that unapologetically kicked out it's members if they so much as broke a single rule. It was sad, but it was the reality of how I grew up. I hoped that maybe my parents would think differently and accept their only child, but I was so, very wrong.

When he found me, alone in the park, on the brink of dehydration and soaked to the bone due the onslaught of rain, he took me in. He was kicked out from his own pack as well, but provided me with everything I could've ever wanted: clothes, food, and more important than ever, love. 

I didn't know that it came with a price at that time, so when his personality took a turn towards violence, I was already in too deep. I'd truly believed that I found my beloved mate that I'd waited so long for, and it didn't matter how badly he treated me. He was my mate, I his omega, and that meant that even when he hit me, it must have been out of love.

"Fuck, I called you like ten times! Are you deaf or something?!" He snarled, turning his concentration from the road for a split second to scowl in my direction. He was intimidating me and he knew it, but I had long accepted the reality of his cruelty.

"I'm sorry, Tobi." I whispered out, my voice soft and gentle as not to inspire him to become even angrier than he already is. "The scenery is just really p-pretty..." I try to explain, but flinched away from him when he turned his head once more to reveal his eyes that swirled viciously with an angry silver hue.

Oh no. Not his wolf.

"You're really pushing it today, Dan." He growled out between clenched teeth, causing my body to tingle with fear at what his next action could be. He was so unpredictable that it was hard to tell; he could either lean over and kiss me or punch the living daylights out of me. I silently hoped that I wasn't subjected to the latter again after my punishment last night; a gaping hole in the drywall at home testament to the how hard my head hit the wall. He got angry at me because I wanted to go out with a friend, someone that he didn't like. I knew better than to do anything without his explicit permission, and my blatant disregard for his rules resulted in punishment.

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