Chapter 6

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I didn't even know I had the amount of strength it took to hold myself back from jumping on top of Berlin and claiming him the moment that I sensed his heat. I'd never experienced something so tempting, something that called to my deepest instincts and threatened to drive me insane. Nothing prepared me for the amount of restraint I'd need to overcome my instincts and bring him to safety, not even the most intense Alpha training I'd ever endured, and that meant something. His most pheromones were calling out to me, effectively waking both my wolf and his Alpha instincts in a split second. However, it was not how fast my wolf was able to become horny that surprised me.

When an Alpha finds their mate, no matter what gender they are, they go through a series of changes. In order to carry on the Alpha gene to the next generation it is important to reproduce, meaning that if an Alpha's mate happens to be male, they will develop internal reproductive systems. This change usually occurs over the course of a number of months however, allowing the couple to become accustomed to one another before allowing the possibility of reproduction. When the reproduction system is complete, the Alpha's mate goes through a heat, a time of intense desire, a need for their other half as their bodies urge them to create an heir. 

So, why was Berlin going through this change so quickly?

That was what surprised the hell out of me.

My mind was swimming with unanswered questions but I had no time to ponder them as I pulled up to the front door of my pack house. Waiting at the door were two dominant males and one submissive Omega: a frazzled looking Ortiz, Berlin's rather large brother, and our tiny pack doctor. I could tell that Ortiz summoned them to relieve some of the stress from himself over the situation. The lazy fucker.

I glanced down at my little angel as he practically clung to my arm like a life preserver, letting out little whimpers every couple of seconds. I could tell that at this point he was gone, his wolf in control of his actions as his eyes fluttered, barely opening. I quickly made moves to get him into the pack house and to my room as quickly as I possibly could before the little resolve I'd managed to gather disappeared completely.

Or at least I tried to.

As soon as I went to gently pull my arm away from Berlin so that I could walk around the car to his door, his hands clenched and I felt his breathing halt.

"No No No..." he mumbled desperately, burying his face into the hard muscles of my upper arm. My eyes widened as I felt his hot tears roll down my skin. I couldn't pull away from him. I wouldn't.

Reaching over the center console, I slipped my free arm around his thin waist, effortlessly lifting him up and setting him in my lap. He snuggled into me with a soft sound of relief, his eyes closing as he nuzzled his face into my neck once, no doubt seeking the tingles that occurred whenever we touched skin-on-skin.

So fucking sexy... I thought through clenched teeth, forcing my wolf into submission when Berlin shifted a little bit too close to my arousal. I used my moment of sanity wisely, tightening my arms around the small man in my arms before stepping out of the car and heading straight for the door as I barked orders to the men at the door. 

"Ortiz, get me blankets and pillows, tons of them." I spoke confidently without so much as a look his way before addressing our pack doctor next.

"Benji, I need you to find every single remedy for heat that there is." I didn't have to turn around to know that the small doctor was scurrying off to do as he was told. I smirked a little at his eagerness, pleased with the respect towards his Alpha.

"And... You." I started, my brow creasing as I glanced over my shoulder at the dominant who vaguely favored Berlin, but with much more sharp, masculine features.

"What the hell is your name?" I snarled, feeling a sharp pang of jealousy that this man may know more about my mate than I do. He remained freakishly calm at my outburst before raising an eyebrow and introducing himself.

"I'm Tyrus. Your mate is my brother." he simply stated, following behind me and attempting to steal glances at his much smaller sibling. The sound of his voice left me seething. I knew I had no reason to be jealous, but despite the rational part of his brain reminding him that this was his mate's brother, he couldn't stop himself from getting angry at the idea of another dominant in the vicinity of his mate during heat. 

"Yeah, I know, asshole. I asked for your name, not your life story." I snarled, my eyes flashing a bright gold as I entered the Alpha's wing and headed straight for my private quarters.

Upon arrival, I quickly shoved open the door before slamming it shut right in Berlin's brother's face. I wanted a few moments of alone time with my mate before the rest of the posse came back to ruin it.

"Hey." I whispered as I laid Berlin gently on my bed, my heart wrenching at his sounds of protest as I pulled away for a moment to grab a shirt of mine for him to wear.

It took a couple of minutes to dress him, but when I finally finished, I could feel my restraint begin to slowly crumble. The sight of his smooth, milky thighs and the scent of his enticing heat hormones invaded my senses and allowed my wolf to force his way into my consciousness.


I didn't even remember pushing him down onto my bed and pinning his thin wrists above his head as I slammed my lips against his, kissing the shit out of him. However, I do remember the feeling of his creamy skin beneath my calloused fingertips as I skimmed them across his flat stomach, a low, humming growl forming in my throat at the mesmerizing feeling. I also remember the feeling of his soft, pink lips as they moved hastily against mine, trembling in anticipation as his back arched up towards me, desperately seeking stimulation. 

And I really fucking remember the moment being ruined as Benji bursted into the room with Ortiz and a blank-faced Tyrus trailing behind him. I immediately assumed a protective position over my mate, lowering my body down onto him and snarling violently at the intruders, my canines dropping threateningly .

Benji wasn't phased in the least as he sauntered over to my bed, his pink hair flopping around on his forehead and his arms full of jars, pills and small medical devices.

"Move on over, Mr. Alpha." he giggled, his short legs pushing him up so that he sat on the edge of my tall bed before setting the array of objects on top of my duvet. "I know that stance, you'll be okay. Tank does that to me all of the time." Benji's cheeks tinted a light pink at the mention of his mate before he continued. "Take deep breaths and you'll come to in couple of moments. But hurry up, the longer you wait for me to try to remedy his heat, the worse it will get."

I barely had a chance to open my mouth before I groaned, suddenly feeling pressure against my lower half, particularly at my arousal. My golden eyes snapped down to the little Vixen underneath me who took it upon himself to grind against me once again. Hard. His face was twisted into an expression of lust, his eyes beautifully hooded and beads of sweat rolling down his temple as he pressed himself against me in an erotic manner, letting out high-pitched moans shamelessly as if no one else was in the room.

"Make it quick." I growled at Benji, my eyes remaining on my precious mate a moment longer before I tore them away.

The only thing that made me pull away from him was the fact that I knew he would be in pain for a much longer period of time if I were to not allow him to try the remedies. There was no way that I would be able to be in the same room, touching him every single moment of the day for the next week just so that he does not go insane from his heat. So, with my resolve strengthened for a fraction of a second, I retreated.

I ran past Ortiz, his arms full of the pillows and blankets I requested, and down my hallway and out of the pack house. Even that was not enough to dull the shrill screams of my Mate. I could practically feel him shuddering in extreme pain from our separation. The sound rang like a gong in my head, repeating over and over until it began to sound like a twisted, demonic chant engineered specifically to make me lose my sanity. I couldn't take it anymore.

I shifted in midair, my strong legs shooting me into the dense forest with only one thought in my mind.

I will be back, beautiful. Hang in there.

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