Ch 13

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Author's pov

The moment Rose revealed her face. The fighting arena was full of shrieks.

"Woaaaaaah!An angel"

"Godessssss! A godessssss descended from heaven"

"She is a sinner beautyy! Look at herr red eyessss"

"Help me anyone,I am going blind".

There were several other comments made by the people .

Rose just looked at everyone with disdain. She had heard all these comments and statements about her and was tired of them.

But then she saw a girl red hair trying to say something so Rose raised her hand and actioned everyone to stop.

Rose pov❤🌹

The shrieks of these people are making my ears bleed. I looked at the crowd with disdain. While looking I saw a girl with red hair. This girl was tall,  one or two inch smaller than me. She had a domineering appreance and was trying to say something. Looking at her i can easily say that she wanted to say something different from the other people.

So I raised my hand and actioned the crowd to stop shouting.

When everyone became quiet I  walked towards the red haired girl and said,"well I can see that you are trying to say something which i can pay heed to so you can proceed"

Listening to my words the girl looked at me and said with pride in her tone
" I am carnina! The sole leader of the biggest and mighest sect, the Red Skull Sect. You are a vain and arrogant person. And i don't like that attitude of yours. So i would like to challenge you to a duel. Looking at you I dont think you are worthy to be the opponent of the weakest assassin of my sect. But at times even the Lion have the step down to show his  might"

Well this girl surely has some pride and a long tounge. I like her personality. But too bad she messed with a wrong person its all futile in front of me.
"Well i dont care who you are and what you think of yourself. But now if you are being so eager and begging to fight with me i can be considerate and grant you your wish. But i think dueling without betting is no fun. " I said.

"Good! I will bet my entire Red skull sect. If i loose, which is not likely to happen at all, then you would become the new head of Red skull sect. But if you loose i will kill you right here" Said carnina.

To this many people started shouting.

" What! Miss carnina is beting her Red skull sect."

"So what! Miss carnina is the strongest person in the whole death Valley "

"Yess! Even the strongest magician of cyan kingdom fear her".

Listening to these people I can see that this carnina, is very strong but lets see if she can be compared to even one fifth of my strength.

" Ok! I agree with bet. The rules would be the same. You can use magic and if you manage to cause a single scrath on my body i will reward you with 1000 gold coins" I said.

SAying this we both moved towards the fighting ring. Carnina made a fire ball apper out of her hand.
Huh , so she is a fire magician.
As soon as i  thought this  she made a dragger apper out of thin hair. Ah! So she is a double magic user. Impressive she has a rare and ledendary magic but a pity she couldn't be compared to me.

Carina threw the fire ball at me. I doged it. Then using my time magic i increased my speed to ten times and jumped towards her, held her throat and holding her throat raised her up.

Carnina was stunned. I could see the fear, fright in her eyes. Then she started coughing i withdrew my hand and let her go. She fell onto the ground with a thud.

After a few seconds she composed herself and said
" Godessss! Please forgive me for my impudence and my blatant words. I accept my deafeat and from now you are the leader of red skull sect and i hereby pledge you my loyalty and life. From now on i am your slave. Please accept this slave!"

Author's pov.

Everyone was astonished. All of this happend within a minute. Carina who was the strongest person of death Valley was defeated  in less than two seconds. They all had witnessed the the strength of this Death god ( it was the name Rose introduced herself as). This death god was really a god. She was the goddess of hell! Such strength, this made everyone kneel down to her.

Carnina who enjoyed her pride and title as the most strongest person of death Valley was most schocked. This Death god was simply a god. She was defeated in less than ten seconds by her. And her speed was unbelievable she wasn't even able to see when did she (rose)held her throat. If this person became her master then she would simply be the most happiest person in this world. She was even willing to die for Death god.

Rose could see the loyalty in carina's eyes when she pledged to be her servant . She let a smile appear on her face and said
" Hmm! Well you are surely smart and know what you should do. I hereby accept as one of my people. Now since I am your master you shall follow me  to where ever i go"

"Yes master" Said carnina.

Carnina went to Rose's side and followed her. She was truly very pleased to be at Rose side.

"Now carnina, you have many things to do. You are now someone whom i am gonna trust and you will get to know many things about me. What i except is loyalty from you. Remember if you ever betray me you will meet your worst end" Said rose to carnina with a serious expression.

"Yes mater" Replied carinina. Carnina had already devoted her life to Rose so she accepted Rose words without hesitance.

After hearing Carnina's word Rose was satisfied she visted death Valley to buy a loyal slave from slave market but she got carnina and the Red skull sect. Rose was contented. She didn't had to go through much work. Carnina was already very strong and loyal to her. And as for Red skull sect they wouldn't even dare to disobey her after witnessing her might.  Rose held carnina's  hand and using dark magic she tranported her and carnina to duke mansion.

Word limit:1100

Yeah guys published another chapter.! Our rose is invincible!

Rose:well i know that

A/n:well she is also
narcissistic  (-_-)

Rose:yeah ik that too.

Rose is simply unbelievable!
Read further too find what will happen!

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