Chapter 4 - Finally

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Tsunami POV
For a moment while I wake up, it seems like I've hit my head. I'd been crying so much it seemed like I was dehydrated. I dizzily and sleepily felt around, and a hand slipped into water.
Where am I?
What am I doing here?
I feel so dizzy. My cheeks are wet.
I get of the beach and slip into the water instinctually. Water moistened my scales and rehydrated.
Suddenly, everything came flooding back to me.
I can still hear his words - Look, Sapphire I don't want to do this-
Wait a minute. And another one.
I don't want to do this.
I swim as fast as I can to Riptide.
The cave seems empty now. At least, the girl has gone.
There is red-blue liquid everywhere. Purple, sticky liquid.
Wait. That's... blood?
Oh no. Riptide. Oh no. No no no.
I run into the cave.
He's there. He's covered in blood, and there's a wound on his chest. The sight makes me nauseated but I control myself.
This is what the girl did to him.
Oh no. What do I do?
I dashed out into the water and I look for anyone. I swim around the villa desperately.
No one.
Wait. Webs! Yes! If I find Webs, he might do something...
I run into Riptide caves, and thank goodness, he's there, but he's asleep. And he looks drunk.
"Wake up!"
Goodness. Stupidity.
"WAKE UP!" I yell in his ear.
Still no response except for a "Hmm?" Oh, three moons. I take a bucket and fill it with water, then splash it over him. That wakes him up.
"Tsunami? What's going on?"
"If you'll wake up, then Riptide won't bleed to death!" I almost yelled.
"What!" Webs shot up. "Where? When? How?"
"His girlfriend just tried to murder him!
"How? Why?"
"We have to get him to the hospital!"

Riptide POV
What happened?
What's going on?
My brain hurts.

I look... purple?
If my memory's not going, I thought I was blue.
Why is my chest completely purple?
Oh wait... it's white now.
Who's that?
"Riptide, are you OK?"
Me? Riptide? Am I called Riptide then? Oh. I like my name. It sounds nice.
"Hello? Anyone home? Squid brains?"
Squid brains... that was Tsunami?
Memories flooded back. There was still a throbbing pain in my chest and head; something had hit me there. Sapphire. It must have been Sapphire.
"Finally! You woke up! You've been asleep for ages!"
"I'm in"
"Yes, you squid brain."
"Oh wait... oh yeah... I did get beaten up by Sapphire... but how did you know?"
"I think I need to start teaching you how to eavesdrop?"
"Oh...OK," I still feel dizzy, but comfortably dizzy.
"He needs to sleep now, if you please, your Majesty."
"Right, when can I visit him again?"
"Maybe this evening, at 5?"
"Wait...Tsunami...Don't go..."
"I'll come back to see you later, I promise."
Her lips brushed against mine - and she was gone.
I'm sleepy... time for bed.

Tsunami POV
Here I am, back at Summer Palace, being fussed over by my mother. But this is torture. She's picked a horrible white wedding dress which makes me look like a oversized meringue, and I have a huge frilly train which Anemone is supposed to carry, but more often steps on. The wedding cake looks like a rotten blueberry and a puffin standing next to each other. No surprise, Typhoon looks like a rotten blueberry.
Mother is really excited but THAT MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM. It's torture.
And she's also given me another lecture on Riptide. "Dear, his family has been traitor, traitor and more traitor. I know he's your friend, but you can't hang around him that often. Go talk to Typhoon, he's really fun."
I mean, yeah. Totally. Talking to a giant squid with a almond brain. Legitimately. So fun.


Thank god, it's time to escape and do something fun. Even though it's only 4:30. I CAN'T STAND IT anymore.
"Mother, I need to go and see someone," I announced.
Her eyes narrowed. She was suspicious, obviously, me being the 'outspoken' and the 'I-will-do-whatever-I-like' person I am. "Who?"
"Someone in hospital."
What else can I say?
"Who IS it?"
Riptide, but you don't want to hear that. Uh...Webs?
That is the first lie of many, mother.
"Hmm..." she's staring at me suspiciously, "very well. Go. I guess he's no longer part of Sea Kingdom so I can't say anything."
Thank god for freedom from torture!

Riptide POV

What time is it?
Another 22 minutes.
"22 minutes!"
The Nurse gave me a death stare. She's sick to death of me, I guess. You won't be when Tsunami comes.
Tick, tick, tick, tock.
How long more?
"21 minutes!"
...I'm sick to death now. I actually also am literally, so it's twice as worse.
When's Tsunami coming?
Knock knock knock.
Another nurse poked her head in. My heart lifted. Tsunami!
"Is she here yet?"
The nurse gave me a peculiar look and spoke to my nurse. "Ma'am, we have a emergency in room 101, can you leave a minute?"
Ok, so not Tsunami.
"20 minutes...!"
Who am I speaking to?
Tsunami, when are you coming?
Knock knock knock.
Only Tsunami knocked like that!
Webs came in. He gave me a look, then sat down. Damn, where's Tsunami.
"Looks like you've found someone new, eh?"
I glared daggers at him as I felt my cheeks heat up. Go away, Dad.
10 more minutes.
Knock knock knock.
"Ts-er, come in."
Dad gave me another look. Three moons, just go, Dad.
The dragon poked her head in-
"Tsunami! I've been -oh, never mind."
Finally! She's here!
Tsunami grinned. "You've been what?"
Dad grinned as he jumped off his chair and sped out.
"I've not been doing anything." I replied as I blushed again.
"Not pining for me?"
I grinned. "Ask the Nurse. It was 'when's she coming' every minute."
She laughed. "I've finally escaped from my mother! God," her face darkened at the memory, "it really was torture."
"Why, what did she tell you to do?"
"Guess?" she miserably replied.
"I dunno, Tsunami, just tell me!"
"Alright. It was why I went to find you that day. She wants me," she pulled a face, "to marry a 'high official very important' man who, to me, looks like a rotten blueberry and has no brains."
Oh no. That's terrible. Surely...
"Can't be Typhoon?"
"You've hit the nail on the head. Typhoon, the bridegroom."
I groan. "He's even worse than Whirpool! He's the biggest hypocrite in town, and has actually got like a hundred records with the police, though Queen Coral cleared him. I've heard terrible things about him, like-"
"Don't make me feel more terrible."
"Well, I dunno, a, you won't actually meet him that often because you'll be in JMA, b, you'll be rich, c, your mother will be happy, and, er, well, nothing else, I guess."
"But I hate him! He's annoying and arrogant and as you said, hypocritical and he's some important aristocracy who always act like they're top and he always sucks up to the Queen! And I don't like him! I like you!"
Oh no, a full scale tantrum, dive under the be-wait a moment. She said what?
She gave me a dagger glare.
"Never mind, just tell me how to murder Typhoon already."
"No I mean, I- I, I well, I-"
"Just get on with it already."
If you stop smirking. Right.
"Well, I, I l-l-like you too," I stammered.
I'm cringing, this is really embarrassing.
Tsunami's coming over now, and she-
Again! She kissed me!
We kiss for about a minute before she breaks away.
"Hopefully Mother and Typhoon doesn't kill us," she grins.
I grin back. "Hey, Tsunami, when you have time..."
"You wanna check out my secret cave?"
She kissed me again. I'm assuming that means yes.
Looks like my woes are over.

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