Chapter 10 - Detective Tsunami?

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Tsunami POV

I've arrived at JMA, but I now feel like I shouldn't have. I keep throwing up all over the place. I can't eat anything but fruits. I feel constantly exhausted, and I've done nothing but lie down.

"Is there anything we can do?" Clay asked.

"I'm not on my deathbed," I snapped. "I don't need people running around attending me.

"Sure you don't." Glory rolled her eyes. "So in the end, you weren't the perfect queen after all. Well, perhaps you might do headmistress better. They both need the same qualities: bossiness."

"Watch it, sloth face," I snarled. "I'm going to kick the hell out of you as soon as I can."

"I don't think you can." Glory smirked. "Do you know how much weight you've put on? You look almost as if you're pregnant. No; fatter."

I snarl at her a bit more before my energy runs out again and I lay my head down. My friends glanced at each other, shrugged at my behaviour and slowly trickled out, after a few minutes of talking. I sigh and lay my head back.

Suddenly, a white bird leapt through the window. A letter was tied to his feet. Maybe he was my next meal.

I pulled out the letter, then gaped at the contents.

Princess Tsunami,

An urgent matter has happened in the Sea Kingdom. We request your presence at once.

A blind NightWing who claims that he is from the JMA visiting the Sea Kingdom library has been targeted. He is currently in a critical situation and we need your help.


Coral, Queen of SeaWings

Fin, Head Police of SeaWing city

Fish, Mayor of SeaWing city

For a moment, it felt like a ruse to get me back into the kingdom.

But then I realised Starflight had been in Sea Kingdom. Starflight wasn't in JMA. To make sure, I attempted to get up. I immediately felt dizzy but I determinedly continued.

"Hey, Clay! Is Starflight back from Sea Kingdom?"

Clay looked at me for a moment. Then he stared at something on my...shoulder? What was on my...oh.

"Yes, yes, you can eat the bird, now, is Starflight back?"

Clay pounced. I ducked and the bird squawked angrily. On second thoughts, maybe it was a messenger bird. It was a cormant after all.

Too late. Clay caught the bird and chomped, spraying feathers everywhere.

"I own ink he ba," Clay chewed.

"Um, what?"

Clay finished the bird and stared at me wistfully. "You don't have another one, do you?"


"Oh, alright. I don't think he's back yet. Do I get another bird now?"

I ignored him and leapt out of a window. Yes, a more graceful exit could have been done, but Starflight was in danger. I had to go.

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