Chapter 8 - Escape

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Riptide POV

The knife flies at me.

I duck.

"Come out, whoever you are!" I called out, feeling terrified.

"Why should I do that?"

Why is that voice so...familiar?

"Coward," I sneered.

The other dragon made no reply as I looked around anxiously. The knife is gone for now, but I have no idea where it went.

"Using underhand ways because you know you can't defeat the dragons without sneaking around," I continued, "just hoping that the healers won't find the dragon. Why are you even doing this?"

I cautiously move towards the exit as there is a short silence. Then–

"Why should I tell you?"

I leap back from the door, where the voice seems to have come from. The voice begins to laugh.

"Who's the coward now?"

I glare at the door. Then I step towards it and fling it open.

There is nobody there.

"Still you, since I'm the one looking for you instead of hiding in the shadows, shivering with fright."

No response. I pace around, waiting.


"Hello? Are you still there?"


I cautiously swim out. Something glinted.

I turned. The blade again.

Hiding again. You see?  I then turned and swam away, as fast as I could.

The chase was on.

Tsunami POV

I swim away, as fast as I can. My life in sea kingdom is finished.

Or, rather, mostly finished.

I hesitate as I think of Riptide. His handsome face. His–


I flinch and continue swimming. The only thing I can do now is fly back to the academy.

I began flying southwest.

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