Chapter 1: It Begins

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"Finally," [Y/N] let out a relieved breath as she finally completed her last bit of work. Thanks to the fact that so many of her coworkers were out today for who knows what reason, she was forced to stay and complete their work. This wasn't her idea of fun, but to be honest, she didn't exactly have anything better to do.

Looking at the clock, she groaned as she saw how late it was. She had been hoping to be home by 10, but instead she would arrive around 12. Deciding that she was too tired, and exhausted, she decided to take a shortcut through a nearby alleyway that would cut the walk by at least 8 minutes.


It was a dark and silent as [Y/N] made her way through the alleyway, the only thing that could be heard was her rummaging through her purse for her phone. Now that she had no idea where she was, she regret taking this way home.

"Damn it..." she muttered to herself as she discovered her phone had run out of battery. She was furious at herself for forgetting her portable charger, out of all days, she had to forget it today.

"How the hell am I supposed to get home now? I'm freaking lost..."

[Y/N] was freezing, it was mid-winter and she had forgotten her coat at work and all she was wearing was a thin dress shirt and a skirt, 'I might as well end up dead' she thought to herself. All of a sudden she felt a strange warmth behind her back, she quickly turned around, but the alleyway was empty. She felt uneasy as if someone was watching her, 'Great, it's freezing, I'm lost, and now this?'.

[Y/N] didn't care though, she was always a fighter, this was nothing, right? Setting her purse down and sliding it to the side, she tied her [H/C] hair in a bun, scanning her surroundings to find whatever it was that was following her.

"Come out bastard!" she could hear her voice echoing through the empty alleyway.

After a good minute or two, she heard a low chuckle, "Bastard? Pfft... watch yourself, don't say something you'll regret..."

[Y/N] began hearing footsteps, but she couldn't decipher where they were coming from. "Show yourself!", as she said this, she heard the footsteps stop. From the corner of her eye, she saw two hands reaching for her, she quickly moved out of the way, grabbed them, and slammed the figure against the brick wall. [Y/N] was shaking, not from fear, but from her lack of oxygen. "Out of breath already, Princess?" the man said as he stood up.

[Y/N] was used to dealing with perverts, but for some reason, this one man had really angered her. She backed up trying to catch her breath as she grabbed a brick and threw it straight at his head. Nearly hitting him, the man managed to duck just in time, slipping in the process.

"Fuck!" the man let out as his body flung upwards, making him hit his head against the wall.

"Now you've really crossed the line...", the man stood up once again as his right hand started to spark with blue fire. 

"Who the hell are you?" [Y/N] said in a low voice as she made eye contact with his glowing blue eyes.

"Your worst nightmare," these were the last words [Y/N] heard before seeing a heap of blue fire coming towards her.

As quick as [Y/N] was, she managed to dodge, but just when she was about to attack him, she noticed that he was gone. She had gotten a small burn on the side of her neck, but it didn't hurt too bad, she would take care of it when she got home.

It was strange, sure, she never even got a chance to see what he looked like, but she could care less, she needed to get home. Thanks to the blue fire, she had warmed up a little bit, but she felt agitated and ready to pass out. She quickly grabbed her purse, pulled her inhaler out, and started making her way down the alleyway again as she let her [H/L] hair flow in the cold wind.

"Hmph, she's gonna be fun to mess with" the man whispered to himself with a smirk on his face as he watched the woman get smaller and smaller.

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now