Chapter 17: Just Worries

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Waking up, [Y/N] found herself alone in her bedroom, wrapped in a blanket. Getting out of bed, she flinched as her back ached in pain from the sudden movement. Stepping out of her bedroom, she freshened up, cleaned her wound, and head over to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Remembering what happened last night, she couldn't help but smile from the memories. It was strange, but now that she thought about it, she had never really been given any affection in the past. Eating a pancake, she got lost in her thoughts, remembering what her childhood was like... lonely.... complicated.... odd... She was beginning to remember things, things that had been long lost...

Hearing a knock at the door, [Y/N] was brought back to reality. Putting her plate in the sink, she walked up to the door and opened it to reveal Alex with a puppy, who seem to be... Beau?

"Huh?! What are you guys doing here?!", before giving her an answer, Alex immediately threw himself at her, but before his hands landed on her back, he was forcibly tugged back. Landing on his behind, he looked up behind him with an annoyed look, "Yo, Nole... What the hell man?"

Giving him an apologetic smile, he helped him get back up, "Sorry for pulling you like that... but you almost touched her injured back."

Getting up with his arms safely wrapped around Beau, Alex pointed his finger at his face, "I don't care about me, lil Beau could've gotten hurt..." twitching his eye, he put Beau on the ground, "I would never forgive you for such thing."

Awkwardly laughing, [Y/N] pointed inside, "Um... Are you guys gonna come in?"

"I thought you'd never ask! I want a Pop Tart!" Alex hopped inside with a smile on his face, making his way to the pantry.


"So... What are you guys doing here?" [Y/N] asked as she served them some tea.

"I heard you got hurt, and I had to come visit my idiot right away," Alex retorted before burning his tongue.

Smacking Alex behind the head, [Y/N] looked over at Nole with a questioning look on her face. Mouthing 'sorry', Nole buried his face in his hands out of embarrassment.

As Alex cleared his throat to catch [Y/N]'s attention, he pointed at her back, "Can I see it?"

Allowing Alex to look at her burnt back, he looked back at her with worry in his eyes, "How'd this happen?!"

Nervously looking away, she made eye contact with Nole, as if asking him for help, "Well... um. You see... I... uh-"

"It was that bastard, wasn't it?"

Alex's face turned stone cold as rage flooded his eyes. Resting his head hand, he stared at [Y/N], awaiting an answer.

Nole quickly interrupted trying to change the topic, "Haha... anyways... did you guys hear about that new cafe that's opening?"

Deciding to go along with Nole's act, she pretended to get distracted with his question as she began rambling. This made it all too clear for Alex, it was Dabi. Deciding to not make it any more awkward with tension, Alex decided to drop the subject, and eventually began talking with them with a smile on his face. Even though he was smiling, [Y/N] still caught glimpses of him staring at the floor and scratching it with a depressed look on his face.

It was true that Alex had always taken care of her and loved her, he was her best friend after all, and he's the only one who could truly understand her. However, she didn't want him to get all caught in her problems and the one chance she ever got in having an actual love life. Sure, it might've looked like it was an abusive relationship from Alex's perspective, but [Y/N] knew the truth, and that's all that mattered.

After everything had been cleared and brought back to normal, the three began to hang out like a normal group of friends. They played board games, watched some movies, ate junk food, and they even allowed [Y/N] to do their make up; which led to a whole photo shoot that Alex wanted because he felt fabulous.


About an hour went by, and the boys had finally decided it was time to go. Saying goodbye, Alex hugged her and told her to call him if she ever needed help; something she was quite used to hearing. Finally closing the door, she went over to the shower before getting in bed to watch a movie.


It was around two o'clock in the morning, and she still couldn't sleep. She was wondering why Dabi was still not home. Turning off the TV, she buried herself in bed and began thinking. Trying to remember her thoughts from earlier in the morning.

Eventually, she fell into a deep state in her mind, starting to recall things she had hidden deep inside her mind, things she didn't want to remember. The truth about her parents, her past life, and why her quirk functions the way it does. Thinking about this, made her head start to throb in pain, unaware, she started screaming, seeing images pass through her mind. Holding on to her head, her body started absorbing the energy running through her house on its own, making it harder for her to move.

Thirty minutes of torture before it was all over, however, [Y/N] was paralyzed, not a single bone in her body wanted to move. It was scaring her, was she dead? was she alive? what the hell was happening? There was fear all over her face, this was something new, she had never experienced anything like this before. Panting as her back laid flat in bed, she heard a voice on the very corner of her room.

"So you finally decided to let me out, huh? What a smart decision, Pancake."

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum