Chapter 12: The Confession

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Dabi, with his face flat on the couch, heard her quietly call out his name. Keeping his face buried, he responded with a simple what.

As she walked to the kitchen, [Y/N] asked, "Uh... do you want something to drink? I'm making tea..."

"Sure." [Y/N] could hear him mumbling on the couch. As she boiled the tea, she couldn't help but freak out.

'Fuck. I'm supposed to be confessing, why am I avoiding this?'


Pouring the tea into some cups, she nervously walked back to the living room. Lightly setting them on the table, she grabbed the remote and threw herself on the couch. "Uh... Wanna watch something?"

As Dabi looked up, his eyes automatically landed on [Y/N]. Looking at her, he could see that her face was red and sweaty. Thinking it was because of his unexpected visit, he stood up and looked down at [Y/N], "I can leave if you want."

"Huh? What? Why?" [Y/N] quickly stood up and kept her eyes locked with his.

Ruffling his hair, he awkwardly looked around, "You seem uncomfortable."

'Damn... Am I seriously that easy to read?'

Grabbing his arm, and assuring him that he didn't do anything, she demanded him to sit down until the movie was over, then he could leave.


After thirty minutes into the movie, [Y/N] still hadn't said anything. Thinking it was going to be as easy as giving a speech at work, she quickly found out that it was way harder. Walking into her bedroom, she threw herself on the bed, completely forgetting that Dabi was still in the living room. She gave herself a couple of pep talks and walked around the room for at least fifteen minutes. Thinking out loud, she finally decided that she was going to do it. Grabbing her door handle, she encouraged herself, "That's it! I'm telling Dabi that I like hi- AH Hiiii! heh..."

Opening the door, she discovered that Dabi was standing right in front of the door. His hand was up as if he was going to knock. Seeing him standing right in front of her, [Y/N]'s face turned into a rosy pink.

'Shit! This is not how it was supposed to happen. Agh! I hope he didn't hear me...'

Looking at him, she could see his face turn into a light red. Seeing the slightly shocked expression on his face, she knew right away that he heard her. Placing her hand on her head, she grinned at him.

"Hehe... Um. How long have you been standing there?"

Putting his hands in his pocket, he looked away, smirking as he tried to avoid eye contact, "Long enough to hear the last thing you said."

[Y/N]'s heart went crazy, seeing that cute smirk of his only made her feel stupid for some reason. Thinking that he was mocking her or that he felt disgusted, she continued to feel insecure. Staring at the floor, her body unwillingly started to shake as she started hyperventilating, "Oh jeez... Haha... Is it hot in here?"

Looking up at his blue eyes, she could see just how unexpected that was for him. She felt strange, she was both happy but worried. He hadn't said anything, so it made it even more difficult for her. Not being able to take the tension anymore, she quickly averted her gaze. Walking back into her room, she hid behind the door, "Um... Bye!"

But before she could close it, she felt Dabi grab her wrist as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Shocked by the sudden move, she tried pulling back, but Dabi didn't let her go. With one hand on her lower back and the other cupping her face, he deepened the kiss. She could feel both the softness and roughness of his lips as they crashed against hers. Eventually melting in his embrace, she started kissing him back, their lips now dancing in sync. Finally gasping for air, she slightly looked up at him with her eyebrow raised, "Does that mean you like me?"

Dabi chuckled, "No, it means I hate yo- Of course it means I like you!"

Hearing those words made her heart soar. As she tightened the embrace, she could hear his heart beating, about to jump out. She had never been so happy in her life, she couldn't understand the feelings she had for him, but she didn't care anymore. The only thing that mattered now was that she was with him and that those feelings would eventually work themselves out over time.

Just when she was about to say something, she heard a knock at the door. As they both turned their attention to the door, they could hear her best friend screaming on the other side of the door, "Hey! [Y/N]! I left my phone in there!"

"Oi! What the hell Alex?!" Her voice sounded more irritated than usual, so Alex knew what was up. He was her best friend since childhood, so he had the weird power of telling what was going on by just looking or listening to her.

"Oops. Did I interrupt your fun?" [Y/N] couldn't see him, but she sure could hear that smirk on his face.

"Just give me my phone, I won't come in, double promise."(double promise was something [Y/N] and Alex grew up with. If either of them broke their "double promise", they would have to buy whatever the other person requested, regardless of the price)

"Hmph. You better not." [Y/N] opened the door, only giving a small opening to hand him his phone. Alex grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to whisper in her ear, 'Remember to be responsible since it's your first time, safe sex is the best way to go.'

Hearing this, [Y/N] snatched her hand as her face turned into a crimson red. Flustered, she threw the phone at his face and flicked him off. Alex only chuckled. Pointing at her with his fingers, he winked, "Love you too!"

Slamming the door, she tried to cool herself down. Alex sure knew how to tick her off. Taking deep breaths, she drank some cold water in the kitchen.

"What did he say?" Dabi walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter. Hearing his voice, made [Y/N] choke on her water and her face turn red again. Coughing, she used her inhaler and gained her composure, "Um. Nothing."

"Mhmm..." Dabi walked up right behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, making [Y/N] flinch. Putting his head on her shoulder, he nuzzled her neck, "Can you at least tell me who that was?"

[Y/N] giggled as she lightly pushed his face away, "What? Jealous?"

"Mm... Maybe..." [Y/N] found it amusing that Dabi was already jealous after being together for only ten minutes. Setting her cup down and turning around, she put her hands on both sides of his face, "He's only my annoying best friend, nothing to worry about."

Dabi softly smiled at her as he looked deep into her [E/C] eyes, "So I don't have to kill him?"

[Y/N]'s eyes widened as she heard this, "Nope! definitely not, he's a pain, but he's family."

She found it kinda creepy that he could casually say something like that in such a cute manner, it kinda worried her. Raising her eyebrow, she poked his nose, "Don't go off killing every man I talk to, ya hear me?"

"I'll try."


After an hour, Dabi left her house, leaving her to think about everything that had happened. She was super happy about everything that had occurred. The way she felt was nothing compared to any other experience she had in her life. Sure, he was a villain, but now he was her villain, and that couldn't make her any happier. 

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now