Chapter 4: The Uninvited Guest

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[Y/N] arrived at her doorstep out of breath; this was the second time this had happened to her. As she fixed her [H/C] hair, she made sure no one followed her. She walked into her house using her inhaler, hoping that this would be the last time this happened. [Y/N] made sure to lock all her doors and windows before heading to the shower.

She took a quick warm shower and slipped into a spaghetti-strapped top and some shorts that her cousin had given her a year ago. As she looked at herself in the mirror as her [H/L] hair dripped, she thought she looked revolting. [Y/N] wasn't used to wearing things like this, she mostly wore t-shirts with knee-length shorts for bed, but she had no other choice since she forgot to do her laundry.

[Y/N] decided to pay no attention to it since she was far too exhausted. Quickly, she slipped into bed and wrapped herself in a blanket, one leg hanging out on the side of the bed. As she stared at the ceiling, her mind was still questioning what was up with this "Dabi" guy and his intentions.

As she drifted off to sleep, she felt an unusual cold breeze followed by warmth against her bare skin. Assuming it was the A/C breaking down, or her body playing tricks with her, she gave no care to it, she just closed her eyes and rested. It was Saturday after all, and she deserved a break.

The Next Morning...

[Y/N] slowly opened her [E/C] eyes as a ray of sunshine hit her face. She felt amazingly rested, and she was sure nothing would ruin her day. As she snuggled more into her blankets, she realized they were warmer than usual, enjoying the warmth, she threw her whole body on top. As she landed on them, she heard a grunt and felt a hand right above her waist, revealing a man in her bed. [Y/N] flipped, "AAAAAH!" falling off her bed, she grabbed the nearest blanket, which was rather small, and tried to cover her whole body.

"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU? GET OUT OF MY BED!" she screamed before the man came out from under the blankets.

"That's not what you were saying when you were snuggling with me last night." It was Dabi. He was sitting up on the bed with that stupid smirk all over his face. "Not gonna lie, I kinda enjoyed it, you were pretty clingy though."

That made [Y/N] freak out even more, she yelled at him while covering herself, "What are you doing here? I locked everything! how did you get in?"

Pointing at her window he said, "You're honestly such an idiot... you locked all your windows except the one in your room."

He was right, she hadn't locked her bedroom's window. Hitting herself on the head, she whispered, " stupid, stupid, stupid."

Dabi noticed her trying to cover her body, which amused him. He slipped out of her bed and walked towards her. [Y/N] quickly stood up and put her hand in front of her, "S-STAY BACK!"

Ignoring her, he stepped even closer to where her hand was touching his chest, "I SAID STAY BACK!"

[Y/N] tried to slide past him, but before she even had the chance, Dabi grabbed her arm and tore the blanket off her. Pinning her to the wall, he gave her a smirk, looking into her [E/C] eyes.

"You act as if you were naked...", Dabi said with that calm, yet ominous, voice of his that [Y/N] got so used to hearing.

[Y/N]'s heart started beating faster, it felt like it was about to jump out. She couldn't understand what this feeling was and why she was feeling it. Maybe it was because this was a new experience for her, she just didn't know. [Y/N]'s cheeks started turning into a rosy pink color as she tried to cover her chest. True, [Y/N] wasn't naked, but she was still nervous, no man had ever seen her in something so short and revealing.

He looked down at her as her beautiful, soft [S/C] skin glowed in the sunlight. Realizing that he was staring for too long he quickly averted his eyes and looked out the window.

Noticing this, [Y/N] pushed him away as she rushed to the bathroom with a shirt and some overalls.

"Pfft... what a strange girl," he said as he laughed to himself at her reaction.

After coming out of the shower fully dressed, she saw Dabi leaning against the wall near the kitchen.

"Damn... you changed?" he said in a mocking voice, putting his finger under [Y/N]'s chin he said, "I think you looked hot in what you were wearing earlier."

[Y/N] flicked his finger off her chin. Flustered, she made her way to the kitchen to make some breakfast. "You never answered my question, what are you doing here? What do you want?"

"Would you believe me if I said I just wanted to see you?" he said while he stared at her figure while she cooked. He hadn't noticed how beautiful she was until this morning, and now he couldn't look away. Once [Y/N] made eye contact with him, he quickly looked elsewhere.

"Nope!" [Y/N] said, she wasn't stupid, she knew he wanted something more, she just didn't know what.

"Fair enough..." he said sitting on the counter.

"So what is it?" she asked while offering him a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast.

He took the plate and stared right into her [E/C] eyes, "Ever heard of the League of Villains?"

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now