Chapter 27: Goodbye

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"[Y/N]! You need to get here right away, Nole has lost his damn mind!"

Quickly jumping out of bed, [Y/N] got dressed quicker than the blink of an eye. Grabbing her keys, she ran out of the house as if her life depended on it. Anxiously driving and fixing the GPS, she almost hit a car, getting yelled and honked at.

"Slow the fuck down!", Damian was sitting on the passenger seat hanging on to the door.

"Nole is fine, Alex was exaggerating," Damian assured [Y/N], but she wasn't convinced.

"How can you be so sure?!"

"I checked, I flew all the way over there..." Dolion said panting in the backseat, "When Damian could've literally just checked without even moving."

"Oh, I knew," Damian replied, stifling a laugh.

"Wait what?!" Dolion's feathers stood up, "Why y-"

In the snap of a finger, Dolion banished, "You have no right to complain."

"There was actually something I needed to ask you..."

"Hm?" Damian turned his attention back to the girl, slightly having a clue on what she wanted to know.

Quietly mumbling, she hesitated but managed to get her statement out, "About Dabi... you know."

Suddenly, sitting up all mighty and proud, he smirked, "Oh that? Thanks to me, he was able to recover his memory."

"Yeah! Using a *wheeze* forbidden potion," Dolion was in the backseat again, exhausted from doing too much physical work, "You know you'll be punished for that."

"Wait, what?" [Y/N] was thankful, but also worried for what Damian was going to have to go through due to her sake, "What're they gonna do?"

"Torture me," Damian casually answered as he yawned, "No worries, I can easily seduce them... or kill them, either one works."

Looking over at him in disbelief, she shook her head, "You and your solutions."


Arriving at an airport, [Y/N] got down to find Alex holding on to Nole, "[Y/N]! Knock some sense into this idiot!"

Speed walking over to the two boys, she gave them a confused look, "What's going on?"

Whining like a baby, Alex began shaking Nole around, "He's moving to Americaaaaa!"

"For the last time, I promise to visit," Nole's voice gave out a hint of sadness.

"What?!", [Y/N] was shocked. Feeling terrible, her eyes began to water. Remembering just how sweet he had always been and everything they went through together, she also began crying. Hugging Nole along with Alex, she began complaining, "Whyyyy?"

"G-guys... I'm gonna be late," Nole sniffled, trying to keep himself collected.

Hearing Beau whine near him, Alex knelt down and sobbed as he hugged the dog, "I'm gonna miss you so much Beau!"

Rubbing her eyes, [Y/N] calmed down, but the sadness still lingered inside her. Having to pull Alex back, she gripped him tight as he tried reaching Nole, "Don't leeeeave!"

Walking away, he laughed as tears fell down his eyes, "I love you guys! I promise to visit you!"

Finally disappearing inside the airport, Alex clung on to [Y/N] as she rubbed his back, "That jerk left me... a-and we were such good frieeeends!"

Giggling in between sniffles, [Y/N] dragged Alex back to the car, buying him ice cream to make him feel better.


Dropping Alex off at his house, she drove back home in nothing but sadness. She was so happy about getting with Dabi, but Nole just had to leave them behind. Taking the keys out, she grabbed her bag, noticing a note on the passengers side. Grabbing it, she began to read it:

Dear [Y/N],

I know it was shocking for you to find out that I was moving away, but I just had to do it.There are many reasons, and since I knew I couldn't say them to your face, I decided to write this instead.I couldn't find the courage to give this to you, so I asked Alex to do it. You may hate me for this, but I've always had feelings for you...Ever since the first time I saw you walk into my shop, I felt something I have never felt before. I knew you were special, someone that I wouldn't be able to find anywhere else, but I knew I stood no chance in being something more than friends. Don't get me wrong though! I am beyond happy with the fact that I became such great friends with you and Alex, and even with the fact that I was able to mend things with Dabi. Anyways... Last night, I heard the conversation you had with Dabi, and it was all too clear that you two would end up together. Giving up all hope, I decided to move to America to find myself and give up any feelings I have for you. I'm sorry for telling you this, but I just needed you to know, I just hope we can keep being friends after this. I will definitely be visiting, so I hope its not all too awkward...

With Love, Nole :)

Choking in tears, [Y/N] laid her head on the steering wheel, feeling Damian pat her head. Shaking her head, she dried her tears, trying to take in everything she had learned. Was she really that blind? Nole had feelings for her all along, but she never even had a clue about it. Feeling a pain in her chest, she looked up at Damian, lost in words.

"I think it's for the best..." Damian fixed [Y/N]'s hair as he comforted her, "He'll find his new happiness over there..."

"B-but, it's all my fault!" sniffling she pulled her hair, "Nole leaving, a-and you! You're going to be tortured!"

"No... it's not," gently taking her hair out of her fists, he turned her head towards him. Looking into her [E/C] eyes, he smiled, "None of this is your fault... We're all responsible for our own actions."

Taking one last breath, he kissed her forehead, "I need you to be strong... I won't be with you for a while, so please be strong for me."

After these final words, Damian disappeared, leaving [Y/N] alone with Dolion. Recollecting her emotions, she looked behind her.

"Uh... Water?"

Seeing Dolion awkwardly sitting there offering her an old bottle of water, she softly laughed and then smiled, making Dolion feel a little more at ease. After too much crying, she finally got out of her car, rubbing her eyes.

Red eyes and everything, she walked inside to find Dabi laying back on the couch, "Hey Bab-"

Looking at her and realizing that she was crying, he was quick to bring her close to him. Hugging her and kissing her head, he lifted her chin, "What's wrong doll?"

Suddenly bawling her eyes out again, she hiccuped, "N-Nole, h-he left!"

Usually Dabi would've been jealous, but seeing his girlfriend like this ripped his heart apart. Putting his own feelings away, he gave her a minute to calm down in his embrace. Hearing her crying slow down, he gently smiled at her, "At least you've got me..." Kissing her, he dried her tears, "And I'll never leave you."

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