Chapter 8: Persistent Danger

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Kurogiri opened a portal to her house, "Walk in, you'll be home in an instant."

Thanking him, [Y/N] entered, and the portal disappeared. She threw herself on the couch as she let out a sigh of relief, she was finally home, in pain, but alive. It was definite that her future was going to take a huge turn, but she was ready to take on anything life threw at her...


[Y/N] laid on her couch for at least ten minutes, trying to calculate everything that had occurred. So much happened in such little time; it was too overwhelming. The worst part of all is that she was now a villain, and it wasn't really her choice.

[Y/N] stood up and made her way to the kitchen and started scanning her cabinets...

"Cold medicine, cold medicine, cold medicine... AHA!"

[Y/N] grabbed a bottle from the top shelf, only to find that it was empty, "Agh! this is just great!"

Throwing the bottle in the trash, she grabbed her keys and walked out. 'I didn't even get to shower... and now I have to go to the store, well... at least its nighttime, it shouldn't be too crowded.'


Walking through the dark streets, she could hear whispers in the alleyways. It was probably just some everyday thugs making some illegal bargains, something quite usual in her neighborhood.


She continued to walk down the street, wrapping her cold [S/C] skin with the black vest as she coughed. For some reason, she had forgotten that it belonged to Dabi. The only thing that reminded her was the peculiar scent of ash. She wasn't gonna lie though, it made her feel safe, warm, and weirdly comfortable. It reminded her of that hug she shared with him; the memory made her smile.

[Y/N] quickly shook her head, 'What the heck am I thinking? He's a villain, don't let him get to you'


She entered the pharmacy and bought some cold medicine and sleeping pills, hoping that she could get some sleep tonight. Walking out of the building, she could feel the temperature drop... Slowly walking, she started quietly wheezing, trying to cover her whole body with the long black vest that rested on her shoulders.

Exhausted, she stopped at a bench and sat down. She used her inhaler trying to catch her breath. She closed her eyes as she rested her head on her knees, trying to get rid of her headache when suddenly she felt someone grab her wrist.

"Hey there darling...", a tall, muscular man stood right above her, she didn't look at him, but she felt him staring at her with his malicious eyes.

[Y/N] kept her head in her knees, hoping that the man would get the sign, and leave. Well... he didn't. The man lifted her chin using one finger, "What's a beauty like you doing all alone in this cold?"

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