Chapter 11: Butterflies

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The great amount of energy that [Y/N] had absorbed made her feel quite uneasy. Trying to stand on her feet, she clasped on to Dabi. Dabi held on to her, making sure that [Y/N] wouldn't injure herself any further. The last thing [Y/N] heard before passing out, was the excited, yet quiet, chatter of the villains as they walked out with what they came for.


Waking up to the familiarity of her bed, [Y/N] felt so much better, the only thing having a headache. Standing up and looking at the mirror, she realized that the wound on her forehead was fully closed, leaving a small scar behind. It didn't surprise her though, her quirk usually healed small wounds like that. What really did shock her was finding her hand working normally again with no broken bones. Most of the time it took at least two weeks to heal any bones, but here she was with her hand as if it were brand new. Sure, there was a weird scar shaped like a tiny lightning bolt, but it didn't seem too bad, so she let it be.

Tripping on a suitcase she had never seen before, she noticed a small note on it:

Here's your share of the money, I don't know how much Shigaraki put in here, but he says it'll be enough. Don't let anyone see this or you'll get in trouble. Rest well, dollface.


'Dang I actually did that, I stole, and I have that money in my room... I don't think its right to spend it." [Y/N] felt her chest get quite heavy as guilt weighed down on her. She had gotten herself into a new lifestyle, and she needed to learn to deal with it. Putting the suitcase somewhere safe, she rubbed her eyes and tried to forget about it. It was already too much for her to handle.


Exiting her room, she unawarely started looking for Dabi. She searched in all the rooms, but nothing, he wasn't there. Not knowing why, [Y/N] felt a little bit of disappointment, she wanted to see him. Ignoring the little itch in her heart, [Y/N] grabbed some snacks and sat down to watch a movie, "Ah... Food and movies, the best therapy..."

After getting comfortable on the couch, she heard a knock at her door. Hoping it was Dabi, she quickly jumped up and ran to get it. Opening the door with a smile, she found someone else.

"Well, you seem too excited to see me." [Y/N]'s face changed, letting Alex in as she groaned.

"Ouch, that really hurt [Y/N], were you expecting someone else?" Alex sat down beside her and handed her a tub of ice cream he had bought for her, "I even bought you ice cream, and this is the treatment I get?" He started fake crying as he clung on to [Y/N].

Pushing his head away, she rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah... You're always in my house, so you're not getting any special treatment."

Alex lightly punched her arm, "Okay, fine... but you didn't answer my question, were you expecting someone else?"

[Y/N] avoided eye contact as she continued to eat her ice cream, "N-no. Who would I be expecting?"

"AHA! Your lip is twitching! You are lying!" [Y/N]'s eyes widened as her best friend stood on her couch pointing at her.

Putting his finger on his nose and then pointing back at her, he started singing, "You forget that I'm your best frieeend and that I know you too weeeell."

Annoyed, [Y/N] hit his legs, making him fall back. Quickly getting up again, he leaned over to [Y/N].

"Is it a boyfriend? Can I meet him? You've never dated, so I must be the first to know him!" He grabbed [Y/N]'s shoulders and started shaking her, "TELL ME NOOOOW!!!"

Putting her tub of ice cream down, she sat up, crossing her legs, "Stop talking nonsense, its nothing, ok?"

Alex crossed his arms and tilted his head, pointing up and down at her body, "Than why are you dressed like that? Huh? I wasn't going to say anything, but now I must know everything!"

Alex was extremely persistent and determined, almost as stubborn as [Y/N]. He continued pestering her as she tried to cover her blushing face. Having just about enough, she got up and grabbed him by the ear, leading him outside the door, but right when she was about to open it, she had lost grip of him. "Oi, you and that damn quirk."

Alex had turned into a thousand molecules and reappeared on her couch. Alex sat there, crossing his arms and looking away while pouting, "Want me out? Blab it out."

"Ugh, nooo..." [Y/N] rolled her eyes crossing her arms.

Alex walked up to her and looked into her [E/C] eyes crossing his arms, "Fine! Just his name, and I'll leave."

[Y/N] glared at him as he gave her a wide grin, "And don't even try to lie about it, cause I'll know."

Alex pulled his arms up to his head, and stretched, "Unless, of course, you want me to sleepover."

Jumping up, [Y/N] grabbed his arm, "OKAY! fine."

"His name's Dabi... Now out!" Pointing at the door, her friend smirked as he walked outside.

Bowing before closing the door, he smiled, "It was nice doing business with you."


"AAAAH! WHAT A PAIN IN THE ASS!" [Y/N] jumped on her couch landing on her belly. She had never been interested in a guy like that before, so it was a big deal for her and Alex. But she didn't have any feelings for anyone, right? So it wasn't such a big deal after all.

Closing her eyes, she heard a knock at the door again, frustrated she walked over to open the door.

"I swear! If you say something about that aga- Oh... hi."

[Y/N] awkwardly smiled finding Dabi at the entrance, raising his brow.

Walking in without asking, he patted her head, "Nice to see you're up and well, dollface."

As she watched Dabi walk in, her heart started beating faster, she had no idea why, but it did. From the weird feeling in her stomach to the strange happiness in her heart, she couldn't help but feel confused. 'The heck is wrong with me? it's just Dabi.'

The more she looked at him, the more her heart started to flutter. She wasn't too familiar with these feelings, but she knew fairly well what they were. Shaking her head, she tried to ignore her feelings, but she couldn't any longer. As much as she hated to admit it, yes, she was growing feelings for Dabi. She never expected to grow fond of a guy like him, especially since he was a villain.

[Y/N] really didn't like to keep these feelings inside her, she was always one to speak up whenever something bothered her. As prideful as she was, she didn't want to be the first to confess. She believed that sharing these kinds of feelings was some kind of weakness. But in the end, she decided to swallow her pride. She was going to do it, confess her feelings.

Gulping she sat next to Dabi, fidgeting with her fingers, nervously sweating, 'shit... this is harder than I thought."

Taking one deep breath, she spoke out, "Um... Dabi?"

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now