Chapter 7: The Final Decision

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[Y/N] sat in her bed shivering from the cold. She couldn't understand everything that was going on, why her? out of so many people, why did it have to be her? Curling up in a ball in her bed, she drifted off to sleep, worried about what tomorrow was to bring...


[Y/N] woke up earlier than she usually did; the sun wasn't even out yet. She had barely slept, and she had caught a cold. Still anxious for what was going to happen, she let out a frustrated sigh. She had tried so many things to escape, but it was useless. There was no electricity in the building, meaning her quirk was completely powerless. [Y/N] had never once imagined that she would be kidnapped by villains, let alone be asked to join them.


After thirty minutes of sneezing, coughing, and enduring a fever, [Y/N] heard the door open.

"You're up early..." Dabi walked in with a bag in his hand.

Looking at you, he yawned, "Damn... you look miserable, did you even sleep?"

Shivering, [Y/N] looked at him with annoyance, "Oh, I slept just great!"

"Just had to endure the cold, hunger, and pain last night, I slept just like a baby..."

Dabi chuckled to himself, closing the door behind him, he walked over to [Y/N].

"What are you doing? I've had enough torture..." [Y/N] said, keeping her [E/C] eyes on the strange bag.

"Relax... I'm just here to clean your wound...", he knelt beside her.

Touching her forehead with his hand, he could feel the heat on her skin, "You caught a fever..."

"No shit Sherlock..."

[Y/N] looked at him trembling, as she struggled to wrap her whole body with the blanket. Seeing her struggle, Dabi threw his black vest over her shoulders and started cleaning her forehead.

[Y/N] looked up at his focused face, "Thank y- Ow! Careful!"

"Stay still, dollface..."


Dabi carefully cleaned her stitches, trying not to hurt her. When he finished, he picked [Y/N] up and sat her on the bed.

"Move your hair..."

"What?", [Y/N] raised her eyebrow... what did he want?

"I said move your hair Dammit..." Dabi leaned closer, making her jump.

Moving a strand of her [H/C] hair, he looked at the scar left on her neck from that other night.

"Oh! that?"

"Yeah... it left a mark all right..." she nervously laughed.

"It healed pretty quickly..." Dabi smirked as he softly stroked her neck making her shiver even more.

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now