Chapter 28: Past the End

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"Go to sleep doll face..." Dabi patiently asked [Y/N] again for the fifth time.

"I caaan't," having both Damian and Nole leave her behind left a deep hole in her heart for some reason. She didn't realize it up to now, but they completed her life along with all her other loved ones. Trying to forget them, she sat in bed eating ice cream that Dolion brought her ever so often in secret.

"All right, that's enough," Dabi sat up and took the ice cream pint out of her hands, "It's late and I'm fucking tired."

Before even getting a chance to complain, [Y/N] felt two arms wrap around her waist and pull her down. Landing right next to Dabi, face to face, she stared into his deep, blue, caring eyes, finding comfort. Burying her face in his chest, she closed her red, swollen eyes and drifted off to sleep. Playing with her hair, Dabi yawned before shutting his eyes, "Things will get better for you... I promise."

7 months later...

[Y/N] was napping on the couch, exhausted with all the packing she had to do since her and Dabi were moving to new house. Suddenly feeling something hit her head, she quickly sat up and searched the room, thinking it was Alex playing another dumb prank of his. After searching, she finally gave up, and jumped on the couch. Facing up, she suddenly screamed, seeing someone she hadn't seen for a while.

"Surprise mother fucker!" Damian smirked from above.

"Damian?!" [Y/N] gasped in surprise, excited to see her old inner creature.

Quickly jumping up as Damian came down, she pulled him into an embrace. Pulling back in surprise, Damian eyed [Y/N], "Holy shit! Your quirk has gotten stronger!"

Giggling, she smiled, "Has it?"


"I helped her while you were away," Dolion mentioned from the corner of the room, Damian looking at him than back at [Y/N].

"Yeah, it's true, he was a great help," she assured Damian.

"I was?" Dolion started choking up, "That's the nicest thing someone has ever said..."

"Now that's just sad," Damian looked at him annoyed, "Anyways, I'm gonna leave you to it."

Going back to wherever he goes, Dolion stayed to help her finish packing, still emotional about the "compliment" he received.


Hours went by and the whole house was finally empty, having Alex and Dabi put the things in the truck, [Y/N] made sure to give the house one last round before leaving. Checking every single room, she came to a complete stop, seeing a figure standing in the middle of one. Slightly weirded out and thinking it was Damian or something, she ignored it and continued searching the house. It wasn't until she heard a high pitch scream that she came back running to the same room.

"You idiot!", Alex was currently hugging the figure she never recognized before.

Turning on the lights, she saw her old best friend again, "Nole!"

Hugging each other, Alex suddenly withdrew from the hug, excited, "So... Where's Beau?!"

Upon hearing this, [Y/N] felt a sudden wave of sadness hit Nole, and she knew fair well what it meant. Still clueless, Alex looked at him, waiting for him to answer, "Nole?"

Nervously chuckling, he gently punched his arm, "Heh... Nole? I asked where's Beau."

Looking up at him, he gave him a weak smile, clearing his throat, "He's gone... but he's not suffering anymore."

After a depressing moment of silence, Dabi burst in, "The landlord's coming to get the keys!"

"Oh." noticing Nole and swallowing his pride for [Y/N]'s sake, he walked up to him and extended his hand, "good to see you again man."

Smiling, Nole shook his hand, "It's good to see you too."

After the silence had finally been broken, they all walked out of the house, [Y/N] handing the keys to the landlord.


Arriving to the new home, they all helped take everything down, which took hours of hard work. Deciding to take a nap, Alex silently slipped out of the house and later sent a text to [Y/N]:

Meet me at the park, all of you, you don't have to bring Dabi... but like, I know you will, so whatever -.-

Rolling her eyes at the text, she woke the two boys up and drove to the grocery store before anything. Buying some sandwiches, drinks, and snack, she then went directly to the park. Stopping at a picnic table, they all sat down and joked around with each other while they waited for Alex.

"I'm here!" Alex waved from a distance holding a box with a bright smile splattered all over his face.

Reaching them, he held on to the table trying to catch his breath. Finally recomposing himself, he straightened up right away, grabbing Nole's hand and pulling him up. Grabbing the small box with holes, he gave it to Nole, "Here idiot, I know you're leaving again next month, but I want you to have this before you leave."

A little afraid of what he was going to find, Nole cautiously opened it, shocked with what he found inside. Nearly dropping the box, he began crying in joy. Placing it on the ground, he threw himself on Alex, giving him a tight, warm hug, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Pulling away, he gently took the puppy out and let it run around. Grabbing a frisbee, him and Alex ran around and played with it. Giggling at how cute it all was, [Y/N] smiled, keeping her eyes closed as she began to enjoy the sun.

Deciding to sit next to Dabi, he brought her close to his chest, placing her between his legs. Leaning back against the tree, he relaxed under the nice, cool shade. Keeping his arms around [Y/N]'s waist, he smirked and began kissing her neck, making her giggle. Resting his head against her shoulder, he whispered, "See doll face, I told you things would get better."


Well my darlings, that's all, the end of A Dreamy Nightmare. Thank you so much for reading it, adding it to your libraries, and for all the support. I cannot describe how grateful I am to have you all enjoying this and for bearing with me the whole time :)

With much Love, Cookie<3

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