Chapter 24: Forgotten Past

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"So tell me..." Damian crosses his legs while he drank tea in the air, "Why did you want to kill [Y/N]?"

"Eh... heheh..." Dolion sat on the floor, nervously chuckling as he was interrogated, "You see, this bitc- ehem! girl..."

Damian raised his eyebrow as he signaled him to continue, "she almost got me eliminated!"

"You see..." Damian pierced his eyes in him, "You were 'killed' a long time ago, how you are still alive is a mystery to me."

"Well... those were just rumors for me to escape the spirit realm. I found my host, and then this mystery boy killed it because of that damn [Y/N]!"

Shaking Damian, Dolion looked at him in the eyes, "I NEARLY DIED!"

Knocking him out with red smoke, Damian turned around as he heard some clatter near [Y/N]. Going over to check on her, he found a dog, who he quickly went to pet without hesitation. Recognizing the canine, he immediately sent him to get his owner.

Trodding back in as he brought Nole along with him, Nole was quick to recognize the still body. Quickly checking [Y/N]'s pulse, he let out a relieved sigh knowing that she wasn't dead. Grabbing his phone right away he called Alex, who then opened the call to everyone, "Hey! Beau found her!"

"Is she okay?", Dabi asked in a worried voice.

"Yeah, she's fine... I uh, just can't carry her," Nole said in an embarrassed, shaky tone, "It's n-not that she's fat, it's just that I'm too w-weak..."

"Just send us the coordinates and we'll be there!" Twice asked in his energetic voice.

"All right."

After sending the coordinates to the rest of the group, Nole sat beside [Y/N], sighing in defeat. Caressing her cheek, he pulled his hand back, feeling bad in touching her without permission. Crossing his legs, he gave a long tired breath as he looked over at his pet, "Beau... Do you think anyone's ever gonna want me?"

Nole looked at the ground before tears began to form in his eyes, "Not even my mom wanted me... Am I nothing?"

Looking over at [Y/N] he smiled, "He's a lucky guy you know."

He looked down at his hands, "You may say it's nothing... but it won't be long before you two become something."

Feeling Nole's sadness, Beau tried to comfort him as he looked over at Damian whining. Unable to keep his emotions in, Damian's eyes started tearing up, "This is too much... hih, I can't."

Hearing the gate swing open, Nole quickly dried his eyes up and stood up. Seeing Dabi be the first to run over to [Y/N] and pick her up, he looked at him and heard as Dabi said thank you.

Nole froze, 'did he really say thank you?'

He was surprised, absolutely shocked, Dabi actually said thank you, and his eyes showed that he was genuinely thankful. Shaking off the thought, he walked out with Beau on his leash to meet with the rest of the group.

"Well that took a long time!" Twice said as he yawned.

"Tell me about it..." Alex sighed, "Even little Miss Psychopath fell asleep," he added trying to hold his grip on Toga who was asleep on his back.

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