Chapter One

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Scrambling to turn off your alarm, you turned it off before curling back under the covers to go back to sleep. Though you closed your eyes, light seeped in through the window. You remained unmoving for a few seconds, before proceeding to shift uncomfortably. Finally deciding to get up, you groggily (and reluctantly) opened your blanket to sit up. The cold air in your room enveloped you, and your eyes slowly opened.

Looking out the window, you saw that it was a gloomy day. One of those where you just want to stay in bed, maybe binge watch your favorite show.

You groaned realizing that it was April... the first day of school. Rubbing your eyes as you walked down stairs, you saw a tall, familiar figure at the table fixing himself a small, simple breakfast.

"Ew, it's a crow." You managed to say through a yawn.

"Ew, it's a weed." The boy said without looking up from his food.

"Um, RUDE. Our mascot happens to be a cute sprout of a plant- not a weed." You replied, giving him a playful glare as he gave a little grin your way. "Good morning, Tobio." You said as you sat across from him pouring your own bowl of cereal.

"Good morning, Nee-chan." He replied with a partially tired expression.

"You look so tired," you said with a little laugh. "You wouldn't have had to wake up so early if you decided to go to Aoba Johsai... I still can't believe you chose Karasuno over us. Even after I begged our coach to go out of his way to invite you to our team." You pouted a little trying to gain sympathy from your brother.

"Well, as you know, I was trying to get into Shiratorizawa, but didn't get in... so I went with the second best option." The boy stated, matter of factly.

Knowing full well what he was talking about, you spoke once again. "Yeah, yeah. You want to train under the famous Coach Ukai. But so what if he's been to nationals? We have an amazing team without a coach who's gone to nationals!"

"You forgot to mention that your team ALSO has not gone to nationals."

"Ouch, that hurt." Overdramatically, you placed a hand on your heart, and brought the backside of your other hand to your forehead. "But alas, you're not wrong. Just make sure you don't say that when Kawa-chan is around." You winked, knowing full well that your brother was intimidated by the 3rd year setter.

"Oh yeah, that's another reason I didn't want to go to Aoba Johsai. Oikawa-san never seemed to like me..." He paused, remembering the times he'd asked Oikawa to teach him. "Not to mention, they'd likely never let me play setter while he's there."

"I- you're not wrong about that last part." Glancing at the clock, you became aware of the time. You brought your dishes over to the sink and washed them, Tobio trailing not far behind you.

The 1st year washed his own dishes and put the food away before grabbing his bag and putting on his shoes. "I'm heading out now. See you later, Nee-chan."

"Have a good first day, Tobio!" you yelled as he rode his bike away. "And remember to SMILE, YOU IDIOT! YOU WON'T MAKE FRIENDS IF YOU KEEP SCOWLING!!"

"I DON'T LISTEN TO WHAT WEEDS HAVE TO SAY!" He yelled back as he biked out of sight.

You sighed and looked at the clock. There was a good half hour before you needed to start walking to school, you made your lunch, a cute bento, and put it in the refrigerator. Hopping in the shower, you try to enjoy what you know will likely be your last moments of peace throughout the day. You gathered the rest of your school supplies and checked all the doors in your house. They were locked. You checked the stove and oven as well before heading out. No one used it today, but a couple incidents in the past made you overly cautious about the safety and security of your home. With nothing left to do, you figured that you could leave a bit early today. As you walked to school, you took out the Pen* and wrote on your arm.

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