Chapter Four

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Practice was running pretty smoothly (cha cha real smooth *music*) until your stupid best friend, well one of them at least, yelped in pain. Normally you would've shrugged it off since it was probably a reaction to being hit in the head, but this time, there was a commotion surrounding the shrill yelp.

"Oi, Shittykawa, get up, this is no time to be playing around." Iwaizumi waited a moment before a look of concern flashed over his face. Oikawa still hadn't gotten up and seemed to be in a fair amount of pain. "'re okay, aren't you?" You could tell from Iwaizumi's voice that he was genuinely concerned at this point. He knew that Oikawa often hid behind smiles, teasing, and laughter when he could, so seeing him in anything but a smile meant it had to have been bad.

You rushed to Oikawa's side and gently helped him stand up. He gratefully took your hand and displayed his usual smile. Upon seeing that certain smile, you and Iwaizumi exchanged a glance. You both could tell that he was in more pain than he was letting on to the rest of the team.

In a somewhat hurried manner, you helped him stand up and walk out the gym.

"Senpai, are you alright?" Kindaichi called as you two walked out the door.

Hesitantly, the captain turned his head to face his kouhai and put on his brave smile. "No worries Kindaichi-kun! I'll be just fine after a little break. That's all~ Bye Bye now." (not the time, but... "bye bye yesterday") Oikawa gave a small smirk before urging you to go forward once again. Once you were out of sight from the gym doors, Oikawa dropped his facade.

You had to help him all the way back to the nurses office. By this you arrived at the door, he was having a full on break down. Though to others, he may seem like an aloof guy without a care in the world, in reality he was really passionate about everything he did. And yet, underneath that passion was a layer of insecurity. "[Y/n]..." Hearing him say that broke your heart. It wasn't just because of the fact he didn't add an honorific to your name, but the way he said it. You could feel that his pain was affecting his physical, as well as emotional state.

"Yes Kawa-chan?" You asked while the school nurse guided you into the room.

"Am I a failure? I let my team down didn't I? I'm not good enough to be captain. Oh who am I kidding, I'm not even good enough to be on the team. You and Iwa-chan...Iwaizumi...I bet you guys don't really even like hanging out with me, do you?" No matter how many times you'd seen him like this, you could never get used to it. You open your mouth to say something back, but the nurse shushed you abruptly as she began her check up on a still sobbing Oikawa.

When she was finished, she beckoned you to step out of the room with her to tell you his condition. "He sprained his knee. He'll be out for a couple of weeks, and after that, he'll have to wear a brace to minimize the possibility of future injury. Did you want to be the one to break the news to him, or do you want me to do it?" The nurse had a slightly pained look at the thought of having to tell the school heartthrob news that would make him sad. You caught on to that look and told her not to worry about it. She thanked you and ran off to complete her other duties.

Coming back into the room, you saw that Oikawa was still in a somewhat depressed state. You took a seat next to him and tried to calm him down before telling him the news.

"Kawa-chan, I never got to say what I was thinking earlier." You looked at him for confirmation to go on, and his teary eyes gave you the go ahead. "You're not a failure! You haven't let the team down in any way. Accidents like these happen from time to time; even to the best of people. You have every right to be on the team. It's due to you that each member, especially the spikers, can perform at their highest abilities. Not to mention Iwa-kun and myself. Though he may not always show it, he cares about you too. After sticking by each other all these years, you really think we don't like you? Those are just the voices in your head Kawa-chan. You've got to believe me!" 

[✔]The Challenge || H. IwaizumixReader - Soulmate! AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن