Chapter Six

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After a couple more minutes of idle chit chat, the captain, whose name was Sawamura, but everyone called him Daichi, asked you to guide them to the gym. You were just about to lead the way when a certain familiar feeling surprised you. You knew you had to get to the bathroom as soon as possible AND show the team to the gym, so you did the first and only thing you could think of.

You pointed them in the direction of the gym, and briskly walked off to the restroom; you knew it was coming, so you had one in your bag, but you weren't expecting it right now, it wasn't supposed to come for another couple days.

Once you got to the restroom, you checked yourself out. Hello, monthly visitor. It just had to be on a day when you wore lighter underwear. Well, at least it didn't seep through to your uniform. You changed into your spare and put a pad in.

As you were walking out of the bathroom, you heard voices talking down the hallway. Poking your head out carefully to not be noticed, you saw Yahaba and Kindaichi talking to the one the Karasuno team had called Hinata.

They were talking about how unbearable "The King" was. You bit your tongue and clenched your fists as you heard the two first years agreeing on how arrogant your brother was, right as you were about to walk out, the two first years had a difference of opinion.

"His tosses are the worst!"

"His tosses are the best!"

You watched as Kindaichi continued to trash talk your brother. Before you could intervene, the bald guy, you thought his name was Tanaka, broke it up.

When Kindaichi and Yahaba started heading towards the gym, and towards you, you ran to the gym before you would say or do something that you'd regret. After all, you could get pretty protective of your brother. (disclaimer: not writing this as a forbidden love story 💖)

Upon walking in, you settled yourself on the bench and prepared to take notes. Someone tapped your shoulder and when you turned to face them, your breath was taken away.

Ohmygodwhoisshewhyisthisgorgeousgirltouchingmylowlyshoulder... (ahaha time for bi panic to kick in)

"Hi, you must be Kageyama Tobio's older sister. It's nice to meet you! I'm Shimizu Kiyoko, but you can just call me Kiyoko." The stunning woman said with a gentle smile.

"I'mgayforyou." You said with a deadpan look. "I MEAN- WAIT WHAT?! I'm so sorry! Itjustcameoutandididntmeanitwellididbutnevermindthatwhatmattersisimsosorrypleasedonthatemebecauseyourealiteralgoddess!" You blurted out, shocked by the first thing that had come out of your mouth.

To your surprise, she started laughing. Unholy Mary Saotome, even her laugh was amazing. "Really? A girl as beautiful as you thinks I'm pretty? That means a lot, thank you!" Kiyoko said to you.


After getting over your initial shock, you were able to have a conversation like a normal person. Well...mostly. You still stuttered like a little child here and there, but you found that you had a lot in common with her. Both of you were third years as well as managers for the volleyball team. One of the more noticeable differences was that she had something you were trying so hard to do. She found her soulmate.

"She found her soulmate." Those were words that you had been dying to hear said about you.

Wow, lucky her. Apparently it was one of the members on the volleyball team, Tanaka (Tanaka and Kiyoko are canon and y'all know it). However, it wasn't like they were a couple yet. Kiyoko just didn't think she was ready for a relationship yet. Tanaka on the other hand, was apparently so ready to be with her. He wasn't shy about proclaiming his feelings, and it could annoy Kiyoko from time to time. But nonetheless, she could feel that indescribable pull to your soulmate that all soulmates feel once you find them. You swore you could see a dust of pink on her cheeks when she spoke.

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