Chapter Nineteen

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Later that night, some of the team went out to eat, a couple of them still crying as they did so. After everyone had finished, the 3rd year separated from the others, claiming that they were all just going to walk home together. You all ranted about how you could've done better... ways you could've won.

At some point in the conversation, Oikawa put aside his pride, and admitted- in the end, they were beaten. The fight was fair and square. Karasuno was just better than they were. The whole group came to a halt when Matsukawa pointed out that instead of going home, you were now in front of your school gym. In silent agreement, all of you walked in and started setting up. By habit, you pulled out your notebook as you watched them, giggling to yourself about how nauseous they looked.

There were various complaints about how much pain they were in, mostly from all their movement directly after stuffing their faces with food. Deciding to pack up, you were all fairly content. Much frustration and aggression had been let out over the past couple of hours. You honestly could not understand how they hadn't actually thrown up all over the court. In the middle of cleaning up, Oikawa called for everyone's attention, and you all knew what was going to happen next.

"Oi, don't do it! We're trying to end this on a good note!" pleaded Hanamaki, "Let's just let everything end peacefully!"

"Shut up!" Oikawa responded, before pausing to deliver the one thing that he couldn't let be unspoken.

"Thank you... for the last three years!"

Upon hearing that, everyone, including yourself, broke down into tears. Oikawa had broken the last wall holding back their emotions. You all stood there, crying, regretting, wishing that things could've ended differently. All of you were wondering, what else could you have done to get to Nationals? There was that small voice that lingered in the back of the players' heads, telling them that they didn't do enough, they didn't work hard enough. If they'd just done this differently, and that different, they could've attained what they wanted.

Now was a time of regrets. However there was no choice but to move forward from then on. It didn't mean that you were any less frustrated or disappointed, but only showed that you had the maturity to grow from the experience. Everyone bid a quiet, terse goodbye and Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and yourself began the walk home.

Looking at each of the boys beside you, you noted the red rings around their eyes, accompanied by slight dark circles that were more apparent now. Reaching the split, Iwaizumi and you gave a quick wave to Oikawa, who started off on his own. Before he got far, you ran after him, gently taking his hand.

"Kawa-chan, why don't the three of us stay at my place tonight?" You looked over to Iwaizumi who seemed a little shocked at the notion.

"I appreciate the offer [Y/n]-chan, but I'm really not in the mood to deal with Tobio-chan tonight." Oikawa replied, unwilling to look up at you.

Iwaizumi nodded thoughtfully, "I was thinking the same thing as both of you, actually. So why don't we all go to my place?" Oikawa exchanged an exhausted glance with you, before simply turning back to the direction of Iwaizumi's house and walking. Iwaizumi walked up behind you two and hooked his arms around the backs of your necks.

"C'mon guys, I don't want you bringing this depressing aura back to my house, cheer up a little, would you?"

"I don't want to hear that from the guy who burst into tears at least 3 times since we cleaned up the gym."

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