Chapter Three

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~~~lmao I'm lazy so...~~~

You - Italic and Underlined
Iwaizumi - Underlined
^^^this is literally just for this chapter lol^^^

"Okay, I'll start." You wrote. Hopefully I won't scare him off if I'm too direct. I guess I won't start off too personal. "If your life was a movie, what would it be called?"

The tingle on your arm didn't come until a minute or two after you had asked, so it must've been really hard for him to decide.

"Ah jeez. You don't mess around. I'm stumped haha. But I guess if I had to name my life...maybe something along the lines of 'Babysitting and Volleyball.' What would yours be?"

You almost let out a snicker. Babysitting, huh. I wonder if he has little siblings that he has to watch all the time or something. Jerking yourself out of your thoughts, you put your pen to your skin to answer his question.

"I'd probably name my life something like 'The Popular Mess'. Your turn."

"Okay. What kind of music do you like/what's the last concert you went to? You only have to answer one."

You mainly listened to whatever Iwaizumi and Oikawa wanted to listen to, and they had similar styles. But if you had to choose, Iwaizumi's music was more your style. He listened to [Favorite Music], and that was what you liked better.

"I've taken a liking to [Favorite Music]"   You lifted your pen as you waited for what kind of music he liked.

"EH? Shut up- that's my favorite too! Your turn."

"Well, what do you wish you were really good at?"

~~~Meanwhile, on Iwaizumi's side of the conversation~~~

"Well, what do you wish you were really good at?"

He rubbed his head thinking of how to answer the girl. If he was truly being honest with himself, he wished he had better social skills. You and Oikawa were so popular, that sometimes he felt like he was just a third wheel to you guys' popularity. Like he was just there in the shadows; just there to scold you guys and keep you out of too much trouble.

At the same time, he kind of didn't want to trust you yet. It's not like he knew you. What if you turned out to be a loudmouth like Oikawa? (I'm sorry Oikawa bby but you know it's true ಥ_ಥ) No. That wasn't what he was worried about. He was worried you wouldn't like him if you found out he wasn't the best at socializing. were his soulmate. Taking a deep breath, he decided to tell the truth. Something told him that you were a somewhat good judge of character and wouldn't shut him out because of something so trivial.

"Promise you won't laugh at me?"

A small smiley face appeared next to his question, signaling that she would do what he asked. He let a small grin play on his lips.

"I...I wish I was with people."

He let go of a small breath he didn't know he was holding. His grip on his Pen subconsciously tightened as he waited for your response. He really hoped that you weren't making fun of him or anything. Startled by the sudden tingling on his arm, his eyes darted to look at your response.

"Hey. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always here for you."

Iwaizumi covered his face with his arm. He had to in order to hide the growing grin that was threatening to spill across his face. He knew it. She was a kind one. Whoever this girl is, I'm sure she's so adorable. I like her already.

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