Chapter Seventeen

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The team spent lots of time laughing. You played various games as individuals, and you, once again being that perfect person (lol you're literally the cliche [Y/n]), won quite a few of them. It started getting late, so Yuda, Sawauchi and Shido took off since they had other things to take care of. At this point, there were just the 10 of you left in the gym. Kind of stumped on what to do, you decided to let the birthday boys decide on something.

Of course, they both agreed that it'd be nice to play a 4v4 with you and Hanamaki keeping score. Oikawa and Iwaizumi decided to play on opposite teams just as a change of pace. This left Iwaizumi, Yahaba, Kyoutani, and Matsukawa on one team, and Oikawa, Watari, Kindaichi, and Kunimi on the other team.

They only played two sets, but they took a surprising amount of time. You couldn't help but admire the fire in Iwaizumi's eyes. That passion that drove him to become the best that he could be- then push further past that. It was something that he and Oikawa shared, except that Iwaizumi was better at regulating himself and knowing when to not push himself so hard. You let a barely audible sigh escape from your lips as you watched him land and do a mini celebration with his team; he'd gotten a point with another one of his amazing spikes. Even Kyoutani always had a glimmer of admiration when he saw Iwaizumi's powerful spikes.

There was a slight coughing from your side and you looked over at the strawberry blond standing on the other side of the scoreboard. "[Y/n]-chan~ Iwa-san's (I don't know what he calls him lol- sorry ◑﹏◐) team just got a point. Pretty sure they want you to flip the scoreboard."

"RIGHT. Right... thanks, Makki-kun!" You muttered, slightly blushing from how much you'd zoned out in the moment. Hanamaki smirked from the other end, and you sent a questioning glance his way. "...what is it? Did I do something wrong? Shit, did I flip it the right way?" You frantically checked both sides of the score only to find that you'd done it the right way. You sent him a little side eyed glare.

Hanamaki just laughed at you and flipped his numbers since Oikawa's team had just scored another point. "So, you finally realized your love for Iwa-san, huh?"

"WHAT?! IN LOVE?! ASKDFEKSKSKS- WHERE'D YOU GET THAT IDEA? HE'SAVERYGOODFRIENDBUT-" You were suddenly cut off by the feeling of all the team turning to look over at you due to your sudden outburst. Most faces around the room displayed visible confusion as to what you were referring to, except for Oikawa, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa. Those three were laughing their heads off.

You quickly waved your hands all in front of your face in an attempt to play it off. "You- you guys, I'm really okay! Just go back to playing the set... PLEASE." Slowly everyone refocused their energy back to the game and (for the most part) forgot about your little moment. You turned to Hanamaki to ask him what that was all about.

He just gave a little smile and replied, "You and Iwa-san are perfect for each other." You stuttered out incoherent sentences, unable to comprehend the fact that he knew. You had to fan yourself to keep from overheating and fainting. Quickly grabbing a chair, you dragged it over to the scoring area and took a seat. After you calmed down a bit, you asked Hanamaki, "Who- who says that I even like him? He's just one of my best friends, you know that!"

"Sure. Because girl best-friends totally fixate only on their boy best-friend and space out in a daze, imagining who knows what-"

"Jesus, you can stop now. This is fucking embarassing." You interrupted Hanamaki before he could go on. Despite that, he continued talking anyway.

"And I also know that he's your chosen one, your beloved, your one-and-only, your one true other half of a pair, your-"

"Okay, okay, I get it..." You muttered, still embarrassed that he knew. "How in the hell do you even know in the first place?" You had to ask, did he really figure it out on his own?

[✔]The Challenge || H. IwaizumixReader - Soulmate! AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz