Chapter Eighteen

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" heard me right."

"But I thought that you vowed to only fall in love with your soulma-" Iwaizumi was interrupted by a voice coming down the stairs. Secretly, he was thankful for the interruption. This was shocking news to him. Yes, it made him happy that you felt the same way he did, but he was also aware of your determination to wait for your soulmate. If he was the reason that you gave up on that goal, he felt horrible.

"Nee-chan, I'm heading out now. But please quiet down, we're going to get a noise complaint from the neighbors again." Tobio looked up after putting his shoes on and noticed Iwaizumi at the door. In looking, he noticed that you both had unreadable, neutral expressions. "Oh, Iwaizumi-san. Sorry to interrupt." He bowed politely, and excused himself from what looked like an awkward, tense situation at the door. He wasted no time in leaving you two alone once again.

Iwaizumi cleared his throat and shot you a questioning look. "Well? I thought you only wanted to fall in love with your soulmate? Something changed in those plans?"

"" You said, staring at the ground. You felt like melting, or just disappearing altogether. This was not the way you planned. It was supposed to be perfect. Never did you think that it would turn out like this.

"Wait... so you mean- we're... soulmates?" A look of realization washed over Iwaizumi's face. "Of course, it makes more sense now. The time zone, the volleyball team, the answers to those weird questions... it all fits together now." His eyes began watering up with tears of relief and joy. He realized his feelings weren't futile, that somehow- he'd fallen in love with the right girl on the first try.

Not realizing that he was happy, you started apologizing when you noticed his tears. "I'm sorry. You deserve so much better than me. I'm just a screw up with family problems. I can barely do anything right. I promise that we'll never have to talk about this again. I'm so sorry you ended up with me, Iwa-ku-"

Iwaizumi cupped your face and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. It wasn't long, just a peck, but in that moment- both of your worlds changed dramatically. It wasn't the picture perfect scenario, with you all glammed up, the set up around you romantic, and there was no sunset to be seen, as the sun was far below the horizon. All it was was a hot, slightly humid summer night, where two soulmates exhausted from a day of shopping and walking around stood in the doorway. Nowhere close to that perfect vision that you had, yet somehow it was amazingly perfect in its own way.

After a moment, the shock of what he'd just done hit him, and Iwaizumi pulled away from you, taking a slight step back. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I just kind of acted on instinct and didn't know what else to do, I'm terribly sorry if you weren't comfortable with that-"

"Shut up." You muttered, face still red. Nonetheless, you still grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him in again for another kiss. This one, longer and sweeter. All the things that you'd felt earlier when you were staring into his eyes were amplified. Your knees nearly buckled on you, and you were relying on Iwaizumi's strong grasp to hold you up. He pulled you closer and wrapped a hand around the small of your back. It felt as if there were a whole grove of butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. Your heart was beating faster than you'd ever felt it. Your head was empty, thinking of nothing else but capturing this moment in your memory forever.

When you both pulled away, he pulled you right back in for a hug. Both of you stood there in a comfortable silence for a few moments before Iwaizumi spoke again.

"I can't wait to rub this in Lazykawa's face." He muttered.

That suddenly triggered your memories and you realized one important detail. You'd found and confessed to your soulmate before Oikawa- you'd won the challenge. Grinning, you told Iwaizumi all about the little challenge that you and Oikawa made. He smiled proudly and looked at you.

[✔]The Challenge || H. IwaizumixReader - Soulmate! AUWhere stories live. Discover now