Chapter Ten

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~~~Iwaizumi's Thoughts Because You're Currently Dead Like Daichi 🤗~~~

What am I going to do with this girl? He touched his hand to your neck, and as he suspected, you were slightly warmer than usual. Knowing you weren't going to be happy if he told you to rest when you weren't actually sick, he also checked your forehead and slipped his hand under your shirt to feel your back. The action made him a little embarrassed, but he convinced himself that it was all for your sake, definitely not at all part of his own desires. Yep, she's got a fever alright. The emotional toll on her yesterday must've been pretty bad for her to fall sick like this.

Carrying you to his bedroom, he caught a glance at the clock. He had to leave for morning practice in about five minutes. He put you in a comfortable position, and draped a light blanket over you. He also set a glass of iced water next to you, along with some medicine for when you woke up. He wrote a quick note telling you to stay there and rest, then dashed off to school.

~~~Time Skip To Lunch Brought To You By "Negativity, BEGONE!"~~~

Iwaizumi spent his break going around and letting all of your other teachers know that you wouldn't be attending school today. Later on, he sat down and ate lunch with Oikawa. "Eh, [Y/n]-chan got sick and was sad last night? Why didn't she come to me for any help?" Oikawa whined to Iwaizumi.

"Maybe because you live a little further from her than I do? Or maybe she just likes me better than you." Iwaizumi smirked at the last part.

"HAAAH?! So mean, Iwa-chaaan~! This is why she and I go shopping without you." Oikawa huffed before finishing his lunch and resigning to write on his arm. Seemingly suddenly, he spoke again. "Iwa-chan, have you ever tried to find your soulmate?"

"Not really, but we've had a couple chats, why?"

"Just curious, because, I, personally, HAVE been. She seems so smart, and cute, but she writes in English so it sometimes takes me a while to read, or to type into the translator. I'm so lucky that I took that basic English class over break. We're already coordinating what we'll do depending on who goes where and how we'll meet and..." Oikawa droned on and on until lunch ended. (lmao not me writing a low-key author insert as Oikawa's soulmate-)

During his last class, Iwaizumi had finished the lesson earlier than time allotted for, and was brought back to Oikawa's question about reaching out to his soulmate. Oh that's right, she seemed preoccupied earlier. I should probably check up on her. He neatly rolled up the end of his school uniform to expose his forearm before writing on it.

"Yo, soulmate. How are you doing today? Better than yesterday?" After not getting a response, he mentally facepalmed realizing that you'd probably be in class right now. However, he was still concerned for you and left his question there so that you could just answer when you saw it.

After several minutes more, he felt the tingle that told him you had responded. He rolled up his sleeve to see your response. "Oh my god- you're so sweet, why are you MY soulmate? God- I love you already. Yes, I'm feeling better, thank you. "

Iwaizumi suddenly felt his face get hot, and he rested his head on his hands to try and cover it up. He couldn't believe that he was blushing from the fact that some pretty girl out there just told him that she loved him. (I don't care what you say, I may not have met or seen you but you're definitely DROP DEAD GORGEOUS- FIGHT ME ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ.) "That's good." He didn't really have anything else to say, so he waited a moment before deciding to go with a bit of a playful tone. "So. Is telling strangers that you love them a hobby of yours?" He stared at his arm in anticipation. He didn't know if you could tell that he was joking or not.

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