Chapter Fifteen

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They fought a valiant fight. Yet, soon the match was over, Shiratorizawa claiming two consecutive points to win the match, 23:25. The blue-green team cast their heads down and some even felt tears streaming down their faces. Oikawa called them to line up, and you all stood and bowed.

"Thank you for coming." The team unenthusiastically exclaimed to the cheering section that attended the match that day. There was no concealing the sad atmosphere of the team; some of them had tears spilling out onto the court.

You all trudged off the court, Coach Mizoguchi sent the boys all off for some time to cool down before boarding the bus. as they regrouped, you called each of their names to enter the bus. After doing so, you realized that Iwaizumi wasn't among the list of people who boarded. Asking the driver and coaches if they could wait just a few more minutes while you looked for him, they agreed, but told you to hurry since you still needed to conduct the team meeting.

You ran around for a few minutes but couldn't find him anywhere. The only place you had left to check was the boys' bathroom. If you couldn't find him in there, you were just going to go back to the bus and hope he had returned by then.

Standing outside of the bathroom, you waited for a good couple minutes while a couple people came out. You tried to ask them if they saw Iwaizumi, but they just said that they weren't paying attention to if there was anyone else in the bathroom.

There was one guy that made eye contact with you as he went into the bathroom, but you were too preoccupied to think much of it. You debated writing to Iwaizumi, but didn't know if that was too risky.

The boy from earlier came out from the bathroom and took notice that you were still standing where you had been a couple minutes ago, with the same thoughtful expression. He approached you and started flirting.

"Hey you~ You're pretty cute. I bet you'd be cuter if you smiled~" He attempted to woo you into gazing into his eyes. Unfortunately for him, your heart had already been set on another. You sighed, mentally of course since you weren't that rude, and gave him a slight glare.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested. I'm actually waiting for someone right now, excuse me." You began walking around him when he grabbed your arm and pulled you back, pinning you against the wall. (sir, you about to catch these hands (ง •_•)ง)

"OH I'm sorry, was I not forward enough? Go on a date with me sweetie~" The way he cooed that last word sent shivers down your spine; you absolutely hated it. You started getting anxious because you couldn't see anyone down either side of the corridor, so you were most likely going to have to tell this guy off on your own.

This was the reason you knew just the basics of self defense. It was because of these weirdos who just didn't know when you back off. You decided to give him one more chance to back off before you resorted to force. "As I said, I'm not interested. Now please move, I have places to be."

Instead of moving away, he just got a little bit closer to you. "Oh c'mon, you don't mean that. Just give me a chance~" That was all it took to snap you. You visibly relaxed your muscles before summoning your strength and grabbing his wrist. Swiftly twisting it behind him, you took the opportunity to step behind him and immobilize his other wrist. Finally, you shoved him against the wall.

"Get it yet? I'm NOT interested." You said firmly, leaving no room for doubt in your voice.

"Damn, you're kinky. You could've just told me! I'll totally play with you."

"BITCH I'M NOT FUCKING INTERESTED." You were losing your patience with this boy, but you couldn't let him go until you were sure that he wouldn't try anything funny again.

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