Chapter Eleven

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"I actually do. We have our _________ tournament coming up." On the other side of the conversation, as soon as the boy realized what words didn't show up and why, he smacked his forehead.

"...? Was that supposed to be some kind of proper noun?" You concluded it was, but you still figured you should ask anyway.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I guess I forgot that we can't write proper nouns. Ugh, that means I can't tell you the name of the gym either."

"lol it's fine, we'll just have to figure it out later. It's getting late. We should both go to bed." You were feeling really tired, and know you would feel bad if you fell asleep and he was still expecting a response from you.

"You're right. Goodnight, love."

Your heart quickened upon reading that. A little nickname, already? He's such a cutie haha. What am I supposed to respond with? Let's just try this.

"Goodnight, you dork." You replied back, thankful that whoever he was, wasn't here to see your flushed face.

With that, you both erased your writing and capped your pens. On the other end of the conversation, your soulmate was also blushing intensely from the fact that he had called you "love" without thinking. You retired to your bed and plopped down. Within seconds, you fell asleep.


At the last practice before the Interhigh tournament you were bored and didn't have any more duties to do. Instinctively, you grabbed your pen and started doodling on your wrist. Nearly a few seconds after you did that, you heard the team start making a commotion. When you didn't hear the coach stepping in, you went to check on them yourself. For some strange reason, they were all crowding Iwaizumi, while said boy looked very uncomfortable and borderline irritated. (OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING- EVERYBODY STAY CALM)

"Hey," no one seemed to hear you. "HEY. EXCUSE ME." This time, everyone turned to face you. "May I ask why you aren't practicing when our tournament starts tomorrow?"

"Kageyama-senpai...I mean [Y/n]-senpai," Kindaichi began. "It's just that Iwaizumi-senpai jumped up for a spike, but his hand kind of stopped weird."

"Iwa-kun, this is no time to be screwing around! We are back to competing literally tomorrow! There is legit no time to fuck around right now." You were not pleased. If it was just Iwaizumi getting distracted, fine. But because he was such an influential figure on the team, everyone got concerned when he didn't quite follow through with his spike.

"I know, I know. I just got distracted by a little tingle on my wrist."

You froze in your tracks. You didn't know what to think. Unsure of whether it was what you suspected, or if it was sheer coincidence, you played cool and just stared expectantly at him.

"Iwa-chan~ You mean to tell me that your soulmate wrote to you? Let me see!" With that, he grabbed Iwaizumi's wrist and examined the doodle with the rest of the team. Your jaw nearly dropped right there and then. It was identical to the one you had just drawn. Subtly, you rubbed the drawing on your wrist to erase it. A moment later, it faded from Iwaizumi's wrist, and the whole team watched in awe. That gave you pretty much all the proof you needed, and you started to panic. (STAY FUCKING CALM)

"Iwa-chan, I swear, both that writing, and that doodle looked familiar. It HAS to be someone we know." Not wanting to dawdle on this conversation any longer, you opened your mouth to speak up.

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