Chapter Two

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You were walking into your classroom when out of seemingly nowhere, a couple of first years appeared behind you and greeted you a good morning.

"Good morning Kageyama-senpai!" One of them said, a bright smile on her face.

"G-good morning Kageyama-senpai..." The other stuttered.

"And a very good morning to you too!" You replied. "What are you two doing near the third year classrooms?"

"W-well you see-" The nervous one started.

"We're lost Kageyama-senpai! Please help us!" The other girl finished for her, bowing.

Awww. They're like when I was a first year here. How cute~ (where my Kaguya-sama: Love Is War fans at?) You thought. "Of course I'll help. And really, there's no need to call me senpai. Kageyama-san works just fine." You said with a grin on your face. After giving them some directions, they thanked you and started walking off. As you walked into your classroom, you were greeted by a loud voice.


"Yo, [Y/n]-chan."

A big smile graced your face when you saw them. "Iwa-kun! Kawa-chan! Good morning!" You looked at the clock and noticed there was five minutes till class. If you needed to be in a different classroom, now was the time everyone would be leaving. Then a thought crossed your mind. "Wait. If you two are here, then are we all in the same class this year?!"

"No, I'm over in Cla-" Iwaizumi began to say.

"I wish! Iwa-chan's in Class 3-5. I mean- imagine not being smart enough to be in Class 3-6 with [Y/n]-chan. Couldn't be me." Oikawa interjected.

An irk mark appeared on Iwaizumi's face when Oikawa insulted him. "Oi..." His eyes were dark in the shadows of his hair. Kind of like the calm before a huge storm hits. "Don't interrupt just to make a crappy insult, Trashykawa!" He yelled and proceeded to smack Oikawa hard on the back of his head.

"Uhh, Iwa-kun? Are you sure you should be talking? Class is in just about a minute, you should be in your seat before the teacher gets there." You gave him a smug look and exchanged a glance with Oikawa.

Iwaizumi shot you both a sharp glare that sent chills down your spine and speed-walked to get to class on time, even though he was just in the classroom next door.

Class was no fun. Just introductions, reviews, lectures from all your teachers about how you can't afford to slack off this year. Blah blah blah. Luckily, you were seated on the edge of the classroom, right by the window, and next to Oikawa so you were somewhat entertained. After your first couple classes both you and Oikawa got tired of passing notes to each other. Unfortunately (or fortunately, who knows) boredom has a reputation for creating ideas, be them stupid, genius, sensible, or down-right dumb.

You tore a small piece of paper from the corner of your scratch paper carefully and wrote: "Oikawa, you too chicken for a bet?." After looking at it, you realized it was more of a challenge/competition than a bet, so you crossed out -bet- and wrote "challenge" over the top before passing it to Oikawa.

You saw him grin and quickly write a response then pass it back to you. "Yeah, sure. What's the challenge?" He had written back.

You wrote four words on your paper, "Let's find our soulmates." Then quickly slid it back to him since the teacher started walking around making sure everyone was paying attention and doing their work. As expected, Oikawa was pouting a bit when he read the note. Because soulmates were often in very far away places, countries away, people couldn't meet up with them until they had the savings to travel. Some people didn't even find their soulmates in their lifetime.

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