Chapter Seven

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In the middle of the time between matches, Oikawa appeared. You didn't even have to look up to know he was there. All the girls in the gym, (minus Kiyoko and yourself of course, because you guys are superior~), were screaming and swooning over the fact they were in the same area as him. You, personally found this a little ridiculous since you all went to the same school anyway. But, fangirls just never change.

Thank goodness he made it. He looks happy, I hope that means he got the all-clear to join the match.

Coach Irihata sent Oikawa away to warm up, and you laughed as you watched Karasuno's reaction to his arrival. Once he got on the court, you could see your team ease up a little. Karasuno was at set point, but you saw the tension in their faces when he stepped up to serve.

The ball was thrown up, and sent flying towards Tsukishima who poorly received it. He did it again, and the blond first year couldn't get it any better. The third time he served it towards Tsukishima, it had less power, but he finally received it, and made it into a chance ball for your team (lOoK aT tHAt dEliCiOUs cHanCe bALl)

The match ended, 1:2 Karasuno.

After the match, you helped finish cleaning up, and hurried outside in hopes of catching the team before they left. Briskly walking towards the gates, you slowed down when you saw the whole team just standing there. It took you a second to realize, but Oikawa was the one who was talking to them.

Stopping in your tracks, you waited for him to finish his little declaration. He'd definitely get mad at you if you interrupted him now. Though eavesdropping wasn't your intention, you ended up doing so anyway.

You heard compliment Hinata on his broad jump, before a hand slid around your waist and pulled you against their body. Their other hand covered your mouth to prevent you from screaming. (My Little Monster vibes, anyone?) They dragged you behind a nearby wall while you tried to squirm out of their grasp. Whoever they were, they were really strong because they didn't have any trouble keeping you in place.

Is this it? Is this how I die? Am I going to get kidnapped and locked in a basement, stuck in there with no way of getting out?! Who the hell is behind me anyway? I swear, if it's another crazy stalker like last time, I'm never leaving my house again.

"Mmmfffnnnmmggghh," was the only thing that could be heard coming from your mouth.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE- SHUT UP," the figure whisper-yelled from behind you. "Just relax, and let me talk, okay [Y/n]-chan?"


Just hearing the voice was enough to put you at ease. You relaxed your tense muscles and tried to turn around to face Iwaizumi. He was holding you too tightly, so that ended up being a futile attempt. You had to admit, being pressed up right against him wasn't uncomfortable or anything. He was holding you firmly, but it didn't hurt. You could feel all of his muscles pressing against your back. It was enough to make you feel a little heat rise up to your face. Before you could ask him why he was doing this, he started talking again.

"Idiot. I know you weren't going to interrupt them or anything, but you were standing right in the open! They could've seen you at any moment. Who knows what might've happened if they'd seen you," He paused before leaning to the edge of the wall, checking to see if they were done talking yet.

When he saw that they weren't done yet, he continued on his train of thought. "Just let Oikawa talk with them. He needs this. After not playing most of the match that we lost, he feels responsible. If he does this, he'll feel better, AND motivate Karasuno into possibly becoming an even more formidable and fun to play team."

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