Chapter Sixteen

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"Who says...?" Oikawa mumbled under his breath. It was only because of the context of the conversation that you knew what he said. If you hadn't known, you'd be like Iwaizumi, clueless and ignoring whatever Oikawa had said right then.

Fuck you, Kawa-chan. Cut it out already!

Iwaizumi smirked (ASJDKFEK- IWAIZUMI SMIRKING, THE MENTAL IMAGE, SOMEONE SEND HELP I'M CURRENTLY DECEASED IF ANYONE ASKS) at Oikawa saying, "Well, then I guess I don't need to tell you about how she believes in aliens..."

You immediately shot a glare at Oikawa that read, "You'd better play along. When I say that I WILL steal all of your alien merchandise and plushies, AND raid your stash and funds for milk bread. I. MEAN. IT."

The poor boy gulped in fear for a quick second, before his expression turned playful and his eyes sparkled. "WHAAA?! That's incredible! You have to hurry up and meet with her so we can freak out and talk about conspiracy theories together!"

"FUCK." Iwaizumi suddenly said.

"AH! Don't suddenly scare us like that!" You exclaimed.

The green-eyed boy quickly apologized before going on about why he was not happy with himself. "It's her, my soulmate."

"Very specific, Iwa-chan..." Oikawa slightly rolled his eyes. "What do you mean? Something happen to her?"

"No. I was supposed to meet up with her at the Interhigh Tournament!" He exclaimed.

"That's right! I totally forgot..." You slipped up before realizing that once again, you had said something that you shouldn't have. Oikawa slapped his hand over his mouth in an attempt to hide his hysterical grin at your mistake. And I did it again. Good job [Y/n], good job.

"Huh? Forgot what?" Much to your relief, the ace was still oblivious to what you were just talking about.

"O-OH! Nothing! Um, just... uh. I was saying how I forgot to... uhh, check in with MY OWN soulmate!" Laughing nervously, you couldn't tell if you were proud of your excuse, or wanting to curl up in a hole and sleep for a while.

"I didn't know you were talking to him too! Or is she a her? Wait- I shouldn't have assumed anything, why don't you just tell us about them." Iwaizumi had an inquisitive expression.

"Well, he's a he." You blandly stated, not wanting to let on more.

"Why don't you share more about him? I totally thought that once you started talking to him, you would be like Crappykawa over here. Constantly blabbering on and low-key complaining too." The boy was being blunt, very blunt.

Oikawa pouted before smirking and added to the pressure you were now facing. "Yeah [Y/n]-chan~ Why don't you tell us about him~"

You forced a gulp down and inhaled to let on just the tiniest bit without revealing who it was. "Well you see, he's-"

"AYYYY sorry we're late Cap'n!" A voice barged into the gym.

Thank goodness, I'm spared. You thought.

The three of you turned to see Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Yuda, Sawauchi, and Shido were all out of breath and stumbling into the gym.

"We all met up outside the school gates and had a little race so we're out of breath. Just give us a minute." Matsukawa panted.

OIkawa stood up and smiled. "WELL. Look who finally decided to show up! No breaks for those who are late! Go get changed and come back!"

A collective "Yes, Captain!" was heard before they headed off. The three of you started cleaning up again to set everything the way it should be before practice. As the other third years came back into the gym, Iwaizumi asked if they knew where the 2nd and 1st years were, and if they were coming to practice today.

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