CHAPTER 02 🧚‍♀️

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Students filled up the classroom. As Jungkook waited for class to start he saw that some of the boys from earlier purposely sat behind him. Jungkook internally groaned and kept his head down.

"Alright class, my name is Mr Kim and I'm your new English teacher. Today we are going to get to know one another as I haven't been given your curriculum yet. So either talk amongst yourselves or ask me questions." Tae smiled.

Jungkook looked around the class and saw all the girls drawl over the teacher. They twirled their straw like hair around their sausage fingers and fake giggled.
"Sir, what's your full name?" One boy asked.

"My name is Kim Taehyung"
"Do you have any nicknames?" Another asked.
"Not many, because I don't really let many people call me by my shortened name" Tae spoke, letting his gaze travel over to Jungkook who displayed a confused face. But instantly turned into a blush when he noticed the teachers gaze. Tae slightly laughed at the others reaction.
"How old are you?" A girl asked.
"Woah he's so young!" She muttered.

"Mr Kim, this is a bit forward but what's your sexuality?" The most popular girl, Irene asked fluttering her eyes at the man.
"Gay. But you shouldn't be asking them sort of questions to your teachers thank you."

Jungkook's ears perked up when he heard Tae say he was gay.
'Jungkook he's just your teacher, nothing more and nothing less' Jungkook repeated over in his head.

But his train of thoughts immediately left his head when he felt a sharp pain on the back of his shoulder. Jungkook looked over and noticed that the boys behind him had pocked him with their compass, making the sharp end go into his arm.

"S-stop" Jungkook said making them laugh and repeat the action over and over again, making Jungkook wince everytime, but he knew he had no strength to tell them to stop again. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to fall down his face.
Jungkook quickly put his other arm up in the air.

The boys quickly stopped and pretended they were doing something.
"Don't say anything you bastard otherwise you'll get some serious punishments" They muttered but loud enough that Jungkook could hear.

Tae looked over to see Jungkook's arm in the air. Tae walked over and saw tears in the boys eyes. He got closer to the boy and crouched down next to him. Jungkook looked down and was met with a pair of concerned eyes.

"Are you okay pup?" Tae whispered so only Jungkook could hear.
Jungkook lightly shook his head no. Tae's heart clenched.
"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" He asked carefully.
Jungkook shook his head no again.

"Okay, do you want to go to the bathroom and have a small break?" Tae said with so much delicacy, not even a mouse would be scared.
"Y-yes please" Jungkook bit his lip to stop himself sobbing.

"Okay love, come back when you're ready okay" Tae gave a small smile to the boy before standing back up again and walked to the front. He watched the boy quickly stand up and walk out the class in a hurry.
"Mr Kim are you in a relationship?" Another student asked with a smirk.
"What's with the personal questions? And no I'm not." Tae rolled his eyes playfully.

10 minutes later the door opened and Jungkook walked in. Tae's gaze followed the boy till he was sat in his seat.
"Mr Jeon please stay after class" Tae called out.
Jungkook lightly nodded and let out a small sigh.


"That's a wrap guys, it was nice getting to know you, next lesson we'll actually do work!" Mr Kim called.


"Have a good evening guys"
He watched as they all ran out of the class making a small smile spread on his face. As Jungkook was told to stay behind, he walked closer to the front where the teacher was.

"Y-you wanted to talk to me Mr Ki...oh I mean Tae" Jungkook spoke looking at his feet nervously.
"Are you okay love?" Tae said trying to watch Jungkook's body language.
"Uh yeh I'm fine" Jungkook looked up.
"What were the people behind you doing to you?" Tae questioned as he sat on his desk.
"Oh n-nothing, they were just asking me about something."

"Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure they hurt you somehow. You were crying"
"Ah no I'm just stressed about grades, I-I was looking in the English text book and I don't understand. S-so I was just stressing about it." Jungkook tried to make up something.

In fairness, he was stressed about it. He loves English and is good at it in class but he finds it hard when it comes to exams.
"Okay well do you want to do private sessions after school. We can go through anything you're struggling with and work on exam questions?" Tae suggested.
Jungkook pondered about it at first but then agreed.

"I'd like that!" Jungkook gave a small smile.
"Okay good, so I'm free every day after school, but if either of us are busy we can just cancel for that day? Is that okay with you?"
"Uh y-yea! Thank you!"
"Okay cool, we'll start tomorrow. Oh can I have your number in case we need to cancel?" Tae asked convincingly.

Jungkook blushed and quickly nodded. The two exchanged numbers and Jungkook left to go home. Jungkook couldn't explain the way he felt. His stomach felt bubbly and his cheeks grew a dark shade of pink every time he thought of Tae.

"Mum I'm home" Jungkook called.
"Hi hun, I'm going out with the girls tonight I won't be home for a while" She said smacking her gum between her teeth and typing away on her phone. She was wearing a hot pink dress which hugged her body tightly making her breasts bigger. She bent down and lightly kissed each cheek. Jungkook inhaled a gust of weed from the hundreds of cigarets she probably had during the day.

"What time will you be back?" Jungkook quietly asked.
"Later hun, I haven't got any money to give you for food" She spoke still texting.
"It's okay mum I'm working later" Jungkook weakly smiled.

"Oh yeh at the convenience store" There was a car honk. "Oh that's for me, cya later kid"
She blew a kiss and ran out the house.
Jungkook sighed, knowing that she will be gone until late tomorrow morning.
"I better get ready for my shift" Jungkook pouted and ran upstairs to get changed.

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