CHAPTER 04 🧚‍♀️

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Lunch rolled around rather quickly. The four sat down on their usual table talking away.
"Bish I can't even explain how dreamy the new maths teacher is" Jin gawked.
"Hyung stop drawling" Jimin wheezed.
"You sound deceased" Jungkook giggled.
"Oh my, the bunny giggled" Hobi smiled, watching the younger in delight.
Jimin carried the conversation on about the new teachers.

"I have to admit though, the new music teacher is hot as fu"
"FLUFF" Hobi screeched, not wanting let the younger hear such words.
Jungkook giggled at Hobi's silliness.
"Sorry my child" Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair before turning back, and continuing.

"Honestly, Mr Min's hands are scrumptious. God I want them wrapped around my ne"
"Uhum" Jimin rolled his eyes as this was the second time he was interrupted.
"Will people stop interrupting me" Jimin said whipping his head around to see who interrupted him again.

He looked up to see three men, wearing suits, each holding a tray.
"M-mr M-min!" Jimin choked out, not believing his eyes.
"Mr Kim" Jin coughed, making his cheeks flush bright red.
"Do you mind if we sit, the teacher table is full and we can't eat in our offices during lunch as the cleaners are doing something today." Namjoon asked politely.
"Of course sir's please take a seat" Hobi said amused, watching all his friends grow deeper into the shade of red.

As this was all going on Jungkook had turned around, there stood Mr Kim. The younger slightly checked the teacher out. No words were exchanged, however they both starred at  one another, not daring to look away.

Jungkook was taken out of his thoughts as he watched the three teachers take a seat. Tae took a seat between Hobi and Jungkook, Yoongi sat between Hobi and Jimin. Then Namjoon sat between Jimin and Jin.
Everyone started to eat, there was great silence, however it wasn't awkward, it was somewhat comforting.

"So how is everyone?" Namjoon asked the group.
They all answered with goods and fines. This then lead to different small conversations between people. Jungkook sat there observing everyone, he saw how all his friends looked happy with the other teachers, this made him happy.

His signature bunny smile spread across his lips, without even realising.
"Watch ya smiling about sweet?"
Jungkook zoned back in, looking at the person who spoke.
"Nothing much Mr Kim, just admiring my friends I guess."

"I'm glad, you feeling any better?"
"Much t-thank you. I really appreciate you helping me, it m-means a lot" Jungkook smiled again.
"No problem, I'm always here if you need to talk. Please tell me if anyone does anything to you, I won't let them get away with it"

"Yah what are you too muttering about?" Jimin cried, staring at the younger.
"Chimmy you look scary" Jungkook pouted, forcing his bottom lip out.
"Awh no sorry bub" Jimin shot up from his seat and ran to Jungkook hugging him from behind.
"Hyung won't do it again"
"Good" Jungkook giggled.

Tae listened to the younger's laugh. It was like a song, his heart melted to the sweet tune.
He watched as the maknae munched on his carrot sticks.
"Oh my gosh you look like a bunny" Yoongi cooed.

Jungkook lightly blushed embarrassingly.
"Awhhh I want to adopt him" Namjoon adored.
"Nu uh he's my child. I found him first" Jin yelled, a little too loudly.
Jungkook gasped as he watched everyone squabble about him.

"You have a lot of admirers" Tae chuckled.
"Not as many as I have haters" Jungkook mumbled under his breath, however Tae was still able to hear it.

"That's not true sweet, someone's love should out shine the hate. Don't focus on the negatives in your life, focus on the positives. Try and cheer up a bit" Tae nudged the younger's shoulder lightly.
Jungkook broke into fits of giggles. Tae was taken back, he didn't understand why the younger was laughing so much, but whatever it was it made his heart melt.

"You're so corny Mr Kim" Jungkook spoke up as his giggles died down.
"Corny? Like those iron man socks of yours" Tae snorted pointing at the bright red ironman socks.
"Yah these are classy. What are you on about?"Jungkook pouted.
"Awh don't pout, they're are cute"
Jungkook smiled at the elders comment.
"You think so?" Jungkook questioned shyly.
"I know so sweetie" Tae smiled at the younger.


"Well that's the bell, see you in our after school session" Tae said to the younger as they all stood up to go their separate ways.
The students waved goodbye to their teachers and they did the same back, before going to their last lesson of the day.

Taehyung walked into his last class of the day. He opened the door to see everyone in their seats awaiting on his arrival. All the students perked up as they watched Mr Kim walk towards the front of the class.
"Right class today we're are studying unseen poetry, can anyone tell me what to do when you get given a poem which you've never seen before?"

He watched as the whole class shot their arms up.
"Wow you lot are eager, yes you at the back"
"Ostrive sir" she beamed.
"Nice one. Who can tell me what ostrive stands for?" He asks a second question, picking on someone randomly.

"Overview, structure, tone, rhyme and repetition, imagery, viewpoint and lastly ending"
"Yes, you lot are on fire today" Tae cheered happily, as people were actually listening in his class.
"Not as hot as you sir. You are fucking piping hot!" A girl gawked.
"That's enough, and don't use such words in my class please and I'd rather you not drawl over my desk." He quickly turned around putting work on the board.


"Right that's it, homework is due in next week, don't forget! See you lot later" Mr Kim waved.

They all rushed out, and Tae started cleaning his classroom. Until a few minutes later, he was interrupted by a light knock. He looked up to see the doe eyed boy, looking stunning as always. A wide smile spread across his face as he looked at the boy.

"Hey sweet, come in" Tae smiled.
"Hey T-tae" Jungkook beamed back.
"Ready for some English?" He joked sitting down at one of the tables.
"Yes sir" Jungkook smiled following closely behind.
"Well then lets get started"

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