CHAPTER 14 🧚‍♀️

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Tae was finally better, it only took him a day or two until he fully recovered. The two had been inseparable, Jungkook loved clingy Tae! He felt loved, however not much more than he usually feels when he's with Tae.

"Hey koo, how about we go to the beach this afternoon?" Tae asked the boy who was currently laying on top of him scrolling through Instagram.
"I'd love that Taetae" Jungkook smiled, placing a kiss on Tae's chest.
"Jungkookie I want one here" Tae pouted pointing at his lips.
"Ah you big baby" Jungkook giggled.

He shuffled up Tae's body, putting his knees either side of Tae's body, while Tae put his hands around the boys waist. Jungkook leant down placing his hands on the boys cheeks and placing his lips onto the elders.

"You taste like chocolate" Tae mumbled between the kiss. Jungkook pulled away and looked into Tae's eyes with innocence.
"I ate some earlier" Jungkook giggled.
"You mean to say you ate chocolate and didn't share any" Tae gasped dramatically.
"Hehe sorry hyungie is all in my tummy" Jungkook sat up and rubbed his belly.

"Is it now? Maybe I should eat your belly" Tae smirked, flipping them over. Tae was now hovering over the younger. He pulled Jungkook's shirt up a little, exposing a small bit of the younger's stomach. Tae started peppering the younger's stomach with kisses, making the younger emit into fits of giggles.
"Taeeeeee stoppppp" Jungkook squealed.


"It's so pretty Tae" Jungkook gasped watching as the ocean rippled gently. Clouds filling the blue sky like sheep in a field.
"Not as pretty as you" Tae chuckled.
"You softie" Jungkook giggled.
"Tae can you tell me your story" Jungkook asked softly. The younger looked Tae in the eye, showing he wanted to listen and show that he was there for him.
"Sure baby boy" Tae gave a small smile.
Jungkook rested his head on Tae's shoulder and held his boyfriends hand.

"It all started when I was in university, I was pretty popular, as my family are rich. Because of that everyone knew the Kim family. I was best friends with Namjoon and Yoongi, we were the most popular boys in school. Everyone wanted to be with us, all the girls would throw themselves at us. At the time I was confused about my sexuality."

"I thought I was bisexual until a certain someone changed that. I was half way through the school year. I had many girls ask me out, and at the time I had a crush. Her name was Mia. She was the girl everyone loved, the girl who was sweet towards everyone. The girl who loved life and couldn't hate a single thing, she was kind to everyone and would never hurt a fly... or so I thought. One day, she came over to me and asked me out on a date"

"I agreed as I thought she was a nice girl, but it was a big mistake. We went out on many dates after that, and then one day I decided to ask her out. Everything was great, she was so sweet in school. But when I got her to meet my parents, I thought they would love her because she was so sweet but they didn't. I was angry and frustrated that they didn't like her."

"They kept telling me they didn't trust her but I didn't believe them. However a few months later she started to become really fishy. She would spend less time with me outside of school. I always asked her if she wanted to hang out or go on dates but she kept saying she's busy. But the minute we stepped foot in school she would cling onto me like a koala, kiss me like nothing happened, like we hadn't argued. Every time we did go out together she'd always be texting someone on her phone. I'd ask her who she was texting, but she kept telling me that I was too controlling, so I felt bad."

"Overtime we grew further and further apart. I'd buy her nice things, anything she wanted, just to make her happy. But nothing was working, and that was when I noticed hickey's on her neck. I knew they weren't from me as we had never gone further than kissing. But every time I would try and break up with her, she'd tell me that she loved me and everyone would say"

"you're so lucky you're dating Mia, she's perfect" everyday I got comments like that. I felt like I was being harsh, but every time, she'd come sit with me at lunch with smeared lipstick, messy hair and hickey's"

"As I bought my own house, I'd go home crying no knowing what I was doing wrong. I kept thinking I was being toxic and being to controlling, but I didn't know what I was doing wrong! One day I was walking to school and I saw Mia in a distance, I was about to call out to her until I saw someone else run up to her and kiss her. My heart shattered at the sight. That day I decided to end it with her and she told me that she was only with me for the popularity and money, so her family could be as rich as the Kim's."

"She also told me that she had been cheating on me since we started dating with 10 different guys. I was broken, I thought I was the once who was being controlling and toxic and I kept blaming myself. But I was being used which made me feel even worse about myself. That's why when I asked you not to work I was worried that I was controlling you and I didn't want to pressure you. I'm sorry"

Tae took a deep breath, tears falling down his face. Jungkook took his head off the boys shoulder and pulled the elder into his embrace. Tae dug his head into Jungkook's chest, lightly crying.

"Hyungie, you weren't controlling me, you were protecting me and I can't thank you enough for that. You shouldn't of been treated like that. You shouldn't of blamed yourself for her doings. She was being a bish, more than a bish. You should have never gone through that. I'm so sorry you had to, if I ever see her I will kick her so hard she won't ever be able to see a rainbow ever again. I love you so much, I won't ever ever cheat on you or leave you!" Jungkook kissed the top of his head over and over again.

"I love you baby, I want you to meet my parents soon. They would love you" Tae said moving his head away from Jungkook's chest and cupping the younger's face.

"Are you sure they'd like me?" Jungkook asked nervously.
"Positive, I've spoken about you to them quite a lot, I think they know how much I love you" Tae chuckled, sniffing at the same time as well.
"Hmm sure, I'd love to meet them"

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