CHAPTER 12 🧚‍♀️

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Jungkook woke up early in the morning, earlier than usual, due to the absence next to him. He turned to the side to see the time and he read the clock being 4:30am.

He didn't need to be awake until 8:00am. Jungkook's eyes knitted in a frown, as confusion became the best of him. He slowly got out of bed and tried to look for Tae. He looked in the spare bedrooms, nothing. He tried the kitchen, lounge, bathrooms; still nothing. Jungkook began to worry, as the male had completely vanished.

He ran outside in the dark and checked the massive garden, nothing. Jungkook was running out of options. He didn't check all the rooms as he was highly sure he wasn't there. However as he was running around he passed a door which he hadn't been in before. The younger noticed that door was slightly open. He cautiously opened the door and appeared inside. There sat his boyfriend at a desk working away, moving the pen across the page rather quickly.

"Taetae" Jungkook spoke shyly.
"Baby? what are you doing up?" Tae darted his head up and looked at the younger worriedly.
"I could say the same to you!" Jungkook spoke, walking closer to the elder.

"What are you doing up so early?" Jungkook asked worriedly.
"I have some work to finish, and it needs to be marked for my first lesson of the day." Tae huffed, feeling rather stressed.
Jungkook walked around the back of Tae's chair and wrapped his arms around his neck placing his hands on the front of Tae's chest. He nuzzled his face into Tae's head, smelling the elders hair. He placed a long kiss on the top of his head.

"Let me help you" Jungkook smiled.
"No baby you need to sleep" Tae shook his head.
"So do you, just let me help you. We'll get it done twice as fast, and we'll both get time to sleep" Jungkook compromised. "I'm not taking no for an answer!" Jungkook placed a kiss on the elders cheek.

"Fine, but you have to sit in my lap as we work" Tae smirked.
"I'm heavy though" Jungkook pouted.
"No you're not, you're as light as a feather, come on please. Otherwise I'll pick you up and put you back into bed."
"Fine fine, let's do this" Jungkook cheered happily.

Jungkook unwrapped his arms from Tae's neck and sat in the boys lap carefully. Tae wiggled his chair closer to the desk and started marking. Tae would occasionally kiss the younger's cheek or head as they worked, and luckily enough after an hour they were done.

"Thank goodness" Tae dropped his pen down, wrapping both arms around the younger's small waist and placing his chin on the boys shoulder.

"Thank you so much Koo, you're the best boyfriend ever" Tae said with so much purity.
"You're the best boyfriend ever as well" Jungkook giggled. "Now lets go to bed, as we both have an early start tomorrow" Jungkook yawned.

"Good idea koo" he abruptly stood up tightening his grip around the younger's waist so the boy didn't slip out of his group.
"Let's go your majesty"
"TAE" Jungkook emitted into fits of giggles.
"You're the cutest" Tae smiled.

Jungkook wiggled out of the elders grip and ran to their shared room, jumping onto the bed and quickly slipping under the covers. The other joined shortly after and slipped under the covers instantly wrapping his arms around the younger.


Jungkook was in his English lesson. Both Tae and Jungkook were rather tired, but Tae was acting a little off. In class, he would be cheerful and happy when teaching, however this afternoon he was irritant, sweating and looking rather pale.

"This is why Macbeth is presented as a weak c-character." Tae spoke to the class holding his head, displaying a some what pained face. Jungkook was more than just worried. He watched every movement of the other, just in case anything were to happen, although he wouldn't be able to do anything as he didn't want the rest of the class to know about their relationship.

"Uh y-your homework is to write an essay about h-how Macbeth is displayed as a weak c-character through the whole play... pack up" Tae leant over a bit, as everyone packed away.


"That's the bell, have a good evening"
He watched as everyone file out. Just as the last person walked out he quickly sat down.
Jungkook ran over to him.
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked worriedly.
"Y-yeah I just have a headache, it'll be okay. Let's go home shall we?" Tae stood up and grabbed his belongings quickly. Jungkook quickly followed and Tae drove home.

Jungkook was becoming even more worried. Tae had sweat dripping down his face, and he was gripping the steering wheel in pain. Once they arrived home, Tae jumped out the car and ran inside. Jungkook picked up their belongings and ran after Tae. On his way in Jungkook passed a maid.

"Hello Jungkook, Tae ran to the toilet, he didn't look too good" She stated.
"I know, I don't think he's well. Can you put his belongings away, and get a flannel, a bowl of  lukewarm water, a glass of water and some medicine. I know it's a lot but it's urgent." Jungkook said hastily.
"Of course, I'll get everything for you right away. I'll put them in your room." She smiled before rushing off to do everything.
Jungkook was quick to run after his boyfriend. He ran to the bathroom to see Tae throwing up into the toilet.

"Oh no hyungie" Jungkook spoke sympathetically. He walked closer to the elder and sat next to him on the floor. He rubbed Tae's back with one hand, and used the other to push away the strands of hair which were in the way. He then placed his hand on Tae's forehead; it was burning hot. Tae groaned in pain.
"It'll be okay Taetae, I'm here"

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