CHAPTER 16 🧚‍♀️

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Tae picked his phone up, as he woke up to it ringing.
"Hello?" Tae groaned.
"Morning son, the meeting is scheduled at 11am! Mum said she wants to go shopping with Jungkook while we're at the meeting"
"That sounds great, I'll meet you outside the company at 10:50"
Sounds good, see you later"
"Yeah bye dad"

Tae put the phone down and stretched. He looked to the side and saw his boyfriend slowly waking up.
"Morning bubba" Tae smiled.
"Morning Hyungie" Jungkook wrapped an arm around Tae's chest and snuggled into him.
"Mum wants to take you shopping while I'm in a meeting for my company" Tae said hugging him closer.
"I'd love that. But Tae, how come you have a company and you teach?"

"Well, my dad had the company and when I was 18 I had to take over the company. I proceeded the run the company for a few years, but it became to much to handle. I always loved English, and I really wanted to become an English teacher. So I spoke with my parents and we agreed that my dad and I would share the company and we would work together, which meant halving the work load. So I was able to be a teacher and also run my fathers company." Tae explained.

"That makes sense, don't work too hard though Taetae" Jungkook kissed Tae's cheek.
"We should get ready baby boy, we have to leave soon"
"Can I wear one of your hoodies?" Jungkook gave Tae puppy eyes.
"Of course baby" Jungkook cheered.
He ran out of bed into their walk in wardrobe. Jungkook grabbed some jeans, when Jungkook found out his belongings had been taken, Tae bought a load of clothes for him, more specifically woman's clothing. Jungkook had a small figure, yet curved hips. So because of this, all the men's clothing wouldn't fit.
Jungkook grabbed a pair of his woman's jeans and a light grey jumper. He walked out the closet and saw Tae getting dressed in a suit.

"Here let me help you" Jungkook giggled watching Tae struggle with his tie. Tae rested his hands on Jungkook's waist.
"You look beautiful baby"
"And look very handsome" Jungkook finished tying Tae's tie and rested his hands just below his shoulder.
"Are you going to be okay?" Tae asked slowly swaying them left and right.
"Of course I will be, your mum is lovely" Jungkook smiled.
"Good, I'm glad you like her. She loves you, more than me probably"

"Don't say that tiger, your mother loves you a lot, but I love you more" Jungkook placed his arms around Tae's neck and kissed him on the lips.
"Look at you getting confident" Tae chuckled.
"Only for you hyungie" Jungkook winked.
"Oh gosh I can't take your innocence away, you're too cute for this world!" Tae gasped.
"Come on Tae let's go" Jungkook cheered, dragging him downstairs and outside the door.

They arrived outside the Kim's company. Jungkook's eyes lit up, the company building was like a sky scraper, it was beautiful.
Jungkook's jaw dropped, once he got out the car and saw the sky reflection on the glass.

Tae put a mask on, as he wanted to keep his identity hidden. While working at the company he never showed his identity, only his work colleagues know what he looks like and the company partners. He didn't want the business world to affect the real world, so he tried to keep somewhat hidden. He also gave a mask to Jungkook so he wouldn't get bombarded by people at school wondering why he was standing with the Ceo of Kim corps.
They waited for a few minutes, Jungkook hugging Tae to keep warm.

"Hi kiddos" Mrs Kim squealed.
"Hi mother"
"Ew stop calling me mother, don't ever call me that again" "anyway, let's go kookie" Mrs Kim gave a quick kiss to Mr Kim before slowly walking off. While Tae rested his head on top of the younger's. He inhaled the sweet smell of Jungkook's hair.
"I love you baby, I'll see you later"

"Love you too hyungie" Jungkook giggled.
He then let go of Tae and ran after Mrs Kim. Mrs Kim stuck her arm out making Jungkook link arms with her.
"You know kookie, I really like you. Has Tae told you about Mia?" She asked as they walked into the shopping centre.
"Yeah he told me about her the other day" Jungkook said with a small voice.
"Let me tell you, he probably told you that we didn't like her"
Jungkook just nodded not wanting to interrupt her.

"Well, they had been dating for about 8 weeks or so, Tae told us that he had a girlfriend but every time we would talk or meet up, he never really spoke about her. He didn't sound happy. A mother knows when her child is in pain, whether if it's physically or I knew something was up. Ooh let's go in there!" Mrs Kim quickly said, pointing at a clothes shop.

"Anyway, he finally decided to let us meet her. When they came over, Tae knocked on the door. I opened the door and she stood there on her phone. She didn't even look up, nor did she introduce herself. They walked in and she sat at the table. I tried to talk her, and start a conversation but she would just mumble words. Tae said she was a sweet girl, but she was the opposite.

The night wasn't good, she was rude to us and Tae. Thankfully Tae ended things, but the boy was left broken. But he's back again, the bubbly, happy, clingy boy is back, and that's all thanks to you. The way his eyes sparkle when he looks at you, is something I've never seen before. You're the cutest boy ever, and I'm so happy my son has met you!" Mrs Kim finished speaking.

"I'm sorry both you and Tae had to go through such things, and I'm sorry it grew your family apart. But I'll make sure I keep Tae happy. I love him a lot, I won't let him meet the bad." Jungkook smiled.
"You're the best kid ever! Now come one let's shop till we drop" Mrs Kim dragged him into many shops.

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