CHAPTER 21 🧚‍♀️

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⚠️There is a scene in this chapter which readers could find triggering⚠️

"Wait we're actually going a maze!" A student yelled.
"Yes that is correct, we are going to the Maze Park, one of the biggest tourist attractions in JeJu!" Namjoon yelled out.
"Oh my god, we can be like the maze runner!" Another student called out.
"Yes but without the monsters...right?" Jungkook whispered to Hobi.
"Of course kiddo, there's no monsters" Hobi laughed.

"Right everyone we're here. Same protocol as yesterday, go in small groups and if you aren't here in 3 hours, you're obviously lost and we will have to come and save you" Yoongi laughed.
Everyone got off and started the maze. Different people went different ways, not really knowing where they were going.

"Come on, I'm determined not to get lost" Jin said, the energy rushing through him.
"We need to win this!" Jimin screamed.
The boys ran around, it had already been an hour. They were roughly in the middle of the maze.
"I think we should go this way" Hobi squabbled with Jimin.

Jungkook looked around no really knowing which way they could go. But once he turned back to where the rest were. They had gone. Jungkook called out for them but there was no replies, they had accidentally left him.

"It's okay kookie you've got this" Jungkook nervously spoke. He grabbed onto his bag straps and walked down a path. He kept walking trying to find anyone from his class, but he couldn't. As he was walking he heard laughing from behind him. Jungkook hesitantly turned around and saw Mark and his two other friends.

"Looks like the bunny has been ditched. Do you know what happens when the rabbit has been caught by the predator. They pounce and kill the bunny" Mark smirked.
He stepped closer to Jungkook, making boy stumble a bit.
"Boys, pounce" He shouted.

They ran and grabbed Jungkook's arms holding him in place. Jungkook tried to wriggle out their grip but it was no use.
"You know slut, you always annoyed me. Your life looked perfect, and now I'm going to take that away from you" He smirked. "No one will be able to stop me"

"P-please stop" Jungkook stuttered.
"Please stop" He mimicked.
He through a punch to Jungkook's face and another one to his stomach. He then kicked Jungkook's leg violently, making the younger scream in pain. Jungkook couldn't control his tears, pain shot up his leg, causing agony run through his body.
"You're weak, and pathetic you slut!" He chanted.

Mark threw some more punches at the younger making him cough up blood. He stepped closer to Jungkook. The boy had a bloody eye, and other cuts over his face. Mark wrapped his hand around the younger's throat and started to choke him. Jungkook gasped for air as Mark's grip became tighter.

"Mark that's enough" One of them said.
"Come on Mark that's enough"
"Shut the fuck up, nothing will be able to change my opinion on this slut!"
"You don't need to kill him, this was only supposed to be a joke" They pleaded.
"You thought it was going to be a joke, I never wanted it to be a joke" He finally took his hand away from the younger's neck and pushed Jungkook onto the floor.
The three ran off leaving Jungkook struggling to breathe, unconscious on the floor.

The three hours were over. Everyone was standing outside the bus.
"Right is everyone here?" Tae yelled, doing a head count, he got closer to his friends when he realised Jungkook wasn't with them.
"Guys what happened to Jungkook?" Tae asked moving his head around trying to see the younger.

"He was right behind us" Jin gasped confused.
"I swear he was with us the whole time.... we lost Jungkook" Hobi screamed in terror.
"My poor kookie, is out there alone!" Jimin screamed.

"MIN, KIM, Jungkook is missing" Tae screamed, trying not to panic.
Tae quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and rang the younger, but it went straight to voice mail.
"Fuck!" Tae cursed.

"Has anyone seen Jungkook!?" Tae yelled to the students.
Mark's friends looked at each other worriedly. They nodded at each other and started walking towards Taehyung.
"Yah you punks, don't you dare!" Mark screamed.
But they kept walking.
"S-sir we know where h-he is, it's was our and Mark's fault. I'm sorry"
Tae's eyes darkened.

"Show me where he is NOW" Tae screamed.
The boys were scared but they put themselves in this situation.
"Namjoon stay with everyone on the bus, Yoongi come with me" Tae yelled.
"Right everyone on the bus" Namjoon called.
"You two come with us" Tae growled.
The boys led Tae and Yoongi to Jungkook. Once they got there, Tae noticed the boy laying on the floor, Tae sprinted towards him.

Tae started tearing up seeing how beaten up his boyfriend was.
"Jungkook" Tae tried to wake him up but there was nothing.
He placed his ear to the younger's chest and there was a steady heart beat. He noticed the choke marks on his neck and the bruises everywhere.

"Someone ring ambulance" Tae yelled.
Yoongi was quick to do so and called for an ambulance.
Tae's eyes darkened again and looked at the two students.

"What the fuck happened?" Tae growled.
"It was Mark he said it was going to be a joke and we would just scare him. But he turned psycho and started hitting him. He started choking him and we told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. He forced us to hurt Jungkook, he said if we didn't he'd ruin our lives, we were scared so we followed his orders." The boy said frightened.

"How do you think Jungkook felt. Do you not think he was scared, petrified even. What the fuck were you thinking! The police could get involved, for attempted murder!" Yoongi spat.
Tae stood up and picked Jungkook up bridal style.

"Baby" Tae said under his breath.
"I'll deal with you two later, the principal will hear about this, and it's up to Jungkook if he wants to press charges" Tae said sternly.
They walked back the way they came. The students slowly trailing behind, feeling guilty.

"Jungkook please wake up" Tae cried as he walked.
He kept looking down at the younger and the state he was in. Anger boiled inside him but sadness was even greater.
Tae heard a groan emit from his lips.

"T-Tae" Jungkook coughed.
"I'm here baby, hold on, an ambulance is on the way okay"
"P-pain" Jungkook groaned.
"I know, the ambulance is nearly here"
They reached to place where the bus was.
"Get on the bus, we'll speak to you later!" Yoongi demanded.

They hung their heads low and walked on the bus. All the students ran to the side to see what was going on.
Jimin, Hobi and Jin ran off the bus and ran to Tae.
"Jungkook!" Jin cried.
"We're so sorry, we didn't mean to leave you! I'm so sorry." Jimin sobbed.
"We love you so much!" Hobi said through the tears.
"I-I l-love you t-too"

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