CHAPTER 38 🧚‍♀️

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"You ready?" Tae asked holding his husbands hand.
They were stood outside the adoption center. The couple had finally decided they wanted to adopt a child.
Jungkook took a deep breath and nodded.
They walked in and was greeted by a older woman.

"Hello, what can I do for you two today?" She asked with a bright smile.
"We want to adopt a young child, preferably a baby?" Tae spoke for Jungkook as he knew he was nervous.
"Of course, can I get your names?" She said grabbing a clip board which had a form on it.
"Kim Taehyung and Kim Jungkook" Tae spoke again.

"Perfect, right this way" she gestured.
Tae squeezed the younger's hand, which he got one back. They walked closely behind the lady and they made it to the room with the baby's.
"Any preference in gender?" She whispered, trying to to disturb the ones sleeping.
They both shook their heads to their heads. They never wanted to decide on a gender they just wanted to find a child who liked them back.

The lady was showing the couple different children.
"They are all so cute" Jungkook squeaked out excitedly.
Tae was about to reply but they got cut off by a loud scream.
"Excuse me" The lady said quickly making her way to the end of the room where the screaming child was.

The couple wondered what was happening so they followed her, making their way over to the baby who was in her arms crying.
"Please stop crying" the lady begged.
"What's wrong with him?" Tae asked worriedly.

"He came her a few months ago, his parents couldn't look after him, so he'd be left alone for a long time in a small crib with entertainment. He's very sensitive, and has attachment issues. We've never been able to calm him down, he'll cry for hours." She said trying to calm him down.

"Can I try?" Jungkook whispered.
"Sure but he's not great with strangers" She pre warned him before passing the distressed boy to Jungkook.
Jungkook gently held the boy, softly rocking him in his arms. Within seconds the boy stopped crying. Jungkook carefully wiped the child's tear stained cheeks. As he did so the boy grasped Jungkook's finger with his tiny hand and held it softly.

"I've never seen him do that before! I'm amazed. No workers have been able to calm him down that quickly. I think he likes you." She said utterly shocked.
Jungkook's eyes were filled with so much adoration. Jungkook looked up at his husband, who also displayed a admirable face.
"He's perfect" Tae whispered.
"He really is" Jungkook smiled with teary eyes.
The child let go of Jungkook's finger and looked at Tae. The younger made little grabby hands towards him.
"I think he wants you to hold him" Jungkook giggled.

"Awhh pass him over" Tae chuckled.
Jungkook carefully passed him over to Tae, and Tae held him gently. Jungkook looked at his husband and pictured his future with the boy and he could. He was the one.
Tae pulled a funny face which made the baby erupt into little giggles, making the three adults coo.

"This is amazing. Have you got children already? You two are naturals at this!" She asked curiously.
"No, this is our first time looking for a child!" Jungkook blushed.
"Wow, that's crazy" She said well and truly mind blown.
"I think he should be the new member in our family! What do you think baby?" Tae said with hopeful asks at his wife.
"I think so too" Jungkook smiled widely kissing Tae's cheek.
They turned to the woman, "we want him" Tae smiled.

"That's great, I'm so happy he's found such great parents." She sighed with relief.
"Okay so I'll get my worker to collect his stuff and bring him out after we've finished the paper work." She smiled.
The couple nodded and placed the baby in his crib.
"We will see you in a bit bub" Tae patted the boys head lightly.
Jungkook held his husband's hand and they followed the woman out the room.

"Okay so I just need to to fill out everything on here. If you have any problems, like if he's not eating or something like that just ring us up. But I feel like you'll be great! His name is Changkyun, but your more than welcome to change it. We randomly came up with it" she laughed.
"Thank you!" the couple said before filling out the paper work.
"I think we should keep his name, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be adopting him, and I think it's so cute" Jungkook said.

"I agree baby, I'm so excited" Tae said showing his boxy smile.
"Me too" Jungkook said resting his head on Tae's shoulder. Tae placed a kiss on the younger's head and then quickly finished the paper work.
They got up and gave the lady the paper work.
"Perfect, what did you decided to call him?" She asked excitedly.
"We've decided to stick with the name, it's the least we can do as you were the ones who helped us find him" Jungkook said happily.
Tears formed in the lady's eyes.
"Thank you so much, we've never had anyone keep with the name we called them. You're both truly special people!"
"We loved it, so we kept it" Tae stated feeling a tad emotional himself.

Not long later they saw a woman walking out with a small bag full of stuff and a crying Changkyun in her arm.
"He wouldn't stop crying after you left!" She sighed.
"It's okay, pass him here" Jungkook said politely.
The girl smiled passing the crying child to him. Like last time he stopped crying within seconds. Jungkook sighed in relief and rocked the baby gently once again. The girl passed his belonging to Tae, which he gladly took.
"He loves you already, it's a miracle" she laughed.

They all began chatting until finally they decided it was time to leave. They let the workers say goodbye for the last time and the couple left with the child. Tae opened the car door for his husband and now son, and helped them get in. Jungkook put his seat belt on and held the boy close.
"Welcome to the family Chanie" Jungkook smiled placing a kiss on the boys small chubby cheek, which made the baby giggle.

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