CHAPTER 11 🧚‍♀️

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The couple walked up the drive and came face to face with a glass door. Tae knocked on the door, whilst Jungkook stood their holding Tae's arm.
"Welcome bishes" Jin smiled widely opening the door wide for them to walk in.

"Jungkook take Tae to the lounge, we're just waiting on Jimin as usual"
Jungkiok giggled and nodded. Jungkook excitedly dragged Tae to the lounge, where they were met with Hobi pushing his finger into Namjoon's dimple and Yoongi laughing at them filming as he laughed.

"Oh hey guys" Yoongi cheered.
"Hiiii" Jungkook softly spoke.
The couple moved onto the couch, they sat next to each other with a small space between them. Tae placed his arm straight out on the back of the sofa, with his arm grazing over the back of the others neck.

"Jimin is finally here!" Jin screeched, as the two walked into the lounge.
"Sorry I got distracted by my face, it was just too beautiful not to stare at" Jimin beamed.
"God I can see your ego go straight through the roof" Tae claimed.
"ThAtS mY eGo!" Hobi shouted.

"Okay what are we watching?" Jin asked, as everyone started to sit down.
Namjoon and Jin sat together, and Jimin and Yoongi sat next to each other. Hoseok scanned the room and decided to be annoying. He lightly smirked to himself, before jumping in between Tae and Jungkook. He grabbed the bowl of popcorn and chewed it loudly. He turned his head and looked at Tae's death glare.

"Want some?" Hobi asked innocently.
Tae didn't answer, so he turned to face the front again and laughed quietly.
"Okay what do y'all wanna watch?" Jin asked again.
"LETS WATCH CORALINE" Jimin screamed.
"Goodness me, someone's excited" Namjoon laughed.
"Is everyone okay with it, I mean it is nearly Halloween" Jin checked.

Everyone nodded and agreed other than Jungkook. He didn't say anything. He noticed everyone else wanting to watch it so he kept quiet. He knew it would scare him, he was never a fan of scary movies, and although the film is a PG, it was still terrifying. He didn't even have Tae next to him, so he wasn't able to cuddle him or anything. The younger knew Hobi was just trying to be funny, and he thought it was funny, but thinking about it more, he's going to need Tae through the film.
'Come on kookie you've got this' He thought to himself.

Jin pressed play and everyone got comfortable. The film started fine but it was getting scarier and scarier by the minute. Everyone thought it was just funny how the girl was preferring the button-eyed parents than her real parents. While Jungkook was sweating from fear. It getting near the climax of the film wear coraline was getting chased by the mother which turned into a spider.

Jungkook had tears falling down his face, but no one noticed because the lights were off. Jungkook stood up and quietly muttered that he was going to the toilet. Everyone just lightly nodded not taking much notice of the boy as they were immersed in the film, other than one person. A minute later Tae wanted to check on him. He stood up, and everyone cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Imma go get a drink"
Again everyone just nodded and went back to the film. Tae walked out and tried to find the younger. As he carried on walking down the corridor he heard light sniffs coming from the left of him. He was faced with the door, and so he lightly knocked on the door so the others wouldn't hear.

"Baby can you unlock the door for me please"
He heard some shuffles and a click of the door.
Tae slowly walked in to see Jungkook sat on the floor crying his heart out. He locked the door behind him and walked over to the boy.
"Baby" Tae spoke with sympathy.
He sat down in front of the younger, and lifted the younger up onto his lap. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the elders neck tightly.

"Hyungie" Jungkook's voice cracked, shattering Tae's heart.
"It's okay sweetheart, it's not real" Tae kept reassuring him that it was okay.
"Bub why didn't you say you didn't want to watch it?"

"E-everyone wanted to watch it, I d-didn't want to let them down" Jungkook sobbed in Tae's embrace.
"Awhh you should of told us, you could of come and sat with me" Tae hugged the boy tighter.
"B-but Hobi hyung was in the way and I didn't want to be mean" Jungkook pouted, sniffling.
"Don't worry bubba, I'm here now" Tae rubbed his back gently. Jungkook's cries had died down after a few minutes.

"Are you ready to go back out?"
"Y-yeah" Jungkook pealed himself away from Tae's body and looked him in the face. Tae brought his hands up and wiped the younger's face, rubbing the tears away. Tae leaned closer and attached his lips onto the younger's. Jungkook immediately melted into the kiss, making his fears run away. The younger pulled away first and rested their foreheads together. "Can you carry me?" Jungkook looked at Tae innocently.

"Of course" Tae smiled at the cute boy.
Tae stood up and scooped the younger up from the floor. Jungkook was quick to hold onto Tae like a koala. Tae carried him out the bathroom and back into the lounge.
"Gosh we were wondering where you both got to" Jimin laughed.
"Obviously they missed each other so much" Hobi smirked.

Tae playfully rolled his eyes and sat down. Jungkook swung both of his legs to the side and snuggled up to Tae's chest.
"Awh you're so cute" Jimin squealed.
They finished the film and everyone decided to go home for the night.
"Thanks hyung see ya tomorrow" Jimin waved.
"Thank you Jin cya later" Tae smiled carrying the sleepy boy to the car.
They all said their last goodbyes and Tae placed Jungkook in the car and drove home.

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