CHAPTER 20 🧚‍♀️

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"Well done everyone for the hike, you all did amazing. Like I said we would go into the city, however we are only letting you go to the underground shopping center, as the city is massive and I'd rather not lose you" Tae smiled. Once Tae got seated the bus left the Mountain car park.

"Hey Tae, about half way up the mountain, Jungkook said he had tripped over. His leg was covered in blood, it didn't look too good. I'm not accusing him for lying, cause he's my friend. But that didn't look like he had tripped over his shoe kinda thing, it looked like he had been shoved, but I didn't see anyone around him which could of shoved him" Namjoon explained.

"Is he okay?" Tae asked worriedly.
"Yeah he's fine now, he looked pretty shaken up but we talked about some random stuff to distract him"
"Thank you joon!" Tae smiled.
He knew Jungkook was lying that he tripped over, Tae sighed not knowing who could of pushed him, but decided to drop it until he spoke to Jungkook about the incident.

A while later they had finally arrived at the shopping center.
"I want you to meet outside the bus in three hours okay, don't be late! Go around in small groups, don't leave anyone on their own. You were given our numbers earlier so if anything happens please ring us! Other than that have fun, don't spend too much" Yoongi laughed.

"Yes sir!" Some students called out.
Everyone made their way off the bus and walked into the entrance of the underground shopping center. It was huge. The students were excited and spilt different ways.
"This place is huge!" Jungkook said holding onto Hobi's arm.
"Don't worry Kook we will protect you!" Jimin cheered.
"Let's go!" Jin said dragging the three with him.

"I'm so hungry!" Hobi whined.
"Me too, let's go get some street food!" Jimin yelled.
They looked around and found a place which sold street food. They queued up and it was finally Jungkook's turn to order. The other three waited for him towards the side so they were out the way and began eating.

"What can I get for you princess?" The man smirked.
Jungkook ignored the comment and began listing what he wanted.
"C-can I have mozzarella corn dog please" Jungkook nervously asked.

"Of course cutie, do you want my number with that?" He asked quietly so only Jungkook could hear.
"N-no thank you" Jungkook stuttered.
"I think you do. I want them curvy hips and that peachy butt of yours in my hands. What do you say baby boy, want to have some fun later?" The man smirked in the boys ear.

Jungkook's eyes watered in disgust, he was horrified, but again he tried to ignore it. Jungkook shook his head no. The man gave him his food, with a piece of paper.
Jungkook quickly gave the man money and sped off, dragging the others with him.

"That man gave me the creeps, he looked like a right weirdo" Jimin shivered.
Jungkook looked down and saw the piece of paper. He opened it up slowly and saw writing on it.
Call me cutie, master wants you all for himself ;)
Jungkook scrunched up the paper and threw it away. He didn't understand why the man was calling himself master, and saying dirty things which he didn't fully understand. He thought back to Tae and realised that the man he just met was the complete opposite to Tae.

"Why are you so deep in thought?" Jin asked Jungkook who was spaced out.
The boy shook his head and turned his gaze towards his friends.
"Oh nothing, the mozzarella corn dog is really good" Jungkook forced a smile.
"Awh you're so cute! Anyway let's go get some clothes" Jimin cheered.


Everyone made it back to the hotel and went to their rooms. The four boys placed all their bags on their beds and tried on a few pieces of clothing which they had bought. Jungkook bought a comfortable outfit, which was grey woman lounge shorts and and an oversized white top with a whale on the side. He put it on after his shower, as they weren't leaving the hotel anymore.

Everyone were on their phones until they heard next doors door open and close. They heard rustling until finally the middle door which connected the two rooms open.

"Hi Tae" Jimin waved.
"Hey guys" Tae waved back.
Jungkook looked up from his phone and saw his boyfriend. He took his headphones out and got up running towards the older male. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the male and dug his face into the mans neck. While the other wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Hey baby, did you have fun today?"
Jungkook just hummed.
"Yah you two go in our room for a bit we'll stay in here until you're done taking!" Namjoon smiled.

Him and Yoongi walked in and sat on Jungkook's bed while Tae carried Jungkook into their room. Tae took them to his bed and sat down leaning against the head rest. Jungkook crawled on Tae's lap and rested his head on his chest.
"Namjoon told me you tripped over today, are you okay?" Tae held the younger's hand, rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It hurt for a bit but I'm all okay now" Tae wasn't convinced but he wouldn't push the younger to speak.
"I like your new outfit baby"
"Thank you, I bought some others as well"
"That's good" Tae smiled.

Time passed and it was time for bed, Jungkook said goodnight to Tae and the others and they all went to bed. The night became later and Jungkook couldn't sleep.

He kept thinking about the man at the food place. He felt ill just thinking about the smirking man. Jungkook took a deep breath and left his bed. He quietly walked through the door and went into the teachers room. He walked over to Tae's bed and slipped into the bed next to him. Tae woke up as he felt the younger get in the bed.

"Are you okay baby?" Tae whispered as he wrapped his arm around the younger protectively, and spooning him.
"Yeah, m'just missed you" Jungkook spoke quietly.
Tae kissed the boys head and hugged him tighter.
"Sweet dreams baby"

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